Taste of reality

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Everyone had already gathered and taken seats in the main living room when Leilan along with the last few Phoxylites entered. She stood at the far back as everyone waited for Commander Hawkins to show up. He soon appeared around the corner, stopping in the middle of the room, overlooking all of them.

"Greetings, everyone. I know many of you are eager for action so I'll cut it short. I have arranged a mission so that you can all begin familiarizing yourselves with the area of operations and start gaining combat and cooperation experience."

Commander then put a device on a table in the middle of the room that revealed a sizeable holographic map of the city

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Commander then put a device on a table in the middle of the room that revealed a sizeable holographic map of the city.

"Those machines are conducting an attack on a bus station we recently took, here." He pointed at a large building on the map. "Our units there are running low on ammunition, thus I need you guys to clear it out so we can secure it and resupply."

"What enemies?" A random voice asked.

"Got reports of about a couple dozen standard bots, but keep in mind that this is reality and things can change on the spot, so keep yourselves alert. Troops there will be expecting you. Any questions?"

All phoxylites glanced at each other to see if anyone had anything to inquire. Nobody had things to say as the mission was pretty cut and dry. Seeing that nothing is coming, commander continued.

"Alright. Move out. Be careful, stay together and teach those tin cans a lesson."

"Heck yeah, sir!" A phoxylite called.

"Let's do this!" Another one joined.

Commander saluted the bunch and left the living room. Shortly after, two soldiers came through the entrance and offered eager phoxylite warriors a truck ride to the location.


Leilan fell behind the group until she was alone in the living room. She casually sat down on the couch and gazed at the still working map on the table in silence. After about a minute of her residing by herself, Hawkins appeared again to get the map back, only to meet her on the spot.

"Captain. You got orders."

"What's the combat experience of these phoxylites?" Asked Leilan, disregarding his command.

Hawkins remained quiet for a moment, trying to understand the context of the question. He decided to respond with transparency...

"None. They're fresh off the academy. Sending all of you is vastly overkill for this mission, but I want to give them gradual experience."

"There may be a B-1 brawler there. A building that size will attract those in combination with common bots. Also, keep eyes in the sky, commander. This station is near the river and there will be F-A flyers coming over from the other side."

Commander gazed at the Phoxylite with a bit of surprise painted over his face due to her knowledge.

"F-As are known and we have manpads on scene already, but B-1s are rare. What makes you think those will appear?"

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