Chapter 3

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 A few minutes after the girls leave Mal grins " Well that was awesome" Mal says. " I agree we should get to know our daughters deeper." Doug says." I agree." Evie says. " Yeah, I think they need someone to open up to because when Breylen did I could see a weight being lifted off of her," Mal says. " Aww your bonding ready," Evie says " Yep," Mal says with a bright smile. They all head to bed soon after. In the darkness, a shadowy figure places four bracelets in different rooms. " They are all planted, my lady." The voice hissed " Good." The voice on the other end said with an icy tone. The shadowy figure disappears into the night. The next morning Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos, Jane, Lonnie, Ben, and Doug were all hanging out in Ben's office. " I can't wait to get to know my daughter." Evie says with tears in her eyes." Well, I wouldn't celebrate just yet." Doug says walking into the room with a worried expression on his face. " What's wrong Doug?" Ben asks. " Well last night a shadowy figure was seen placing four bracelets in different rooms and when we tracked the gems it turns out that the gems are not from aurodaun they are from the Isle of the Lost," Doug says. Mal's eyes went wide " May I see these gems?" Mal asks. Doug shows her the footage and Mal shakes her head and says " Yep those are them alright." Mal says. " You don't mean.." Evie starts and Mal nods. Carlos says " Those can't be the same ones I thought they  were just a legend." Carlos says. " apparently these things are real and if what I have read about them is true then we have a real problem on our hands." Jay says. "Time out you have heard of these bracelets?" Ben asks. Mal nods and says. " Yes, every kid on the Isle is warned about these bracelets. The older villains always told us the story of the bracelets." Mal says with a shudder. " Tell us please?" Lonnie asks. " Ok," Mal says These bracelets aren't like any bracelets a normal bracelet has no magic within it but these do. They have strange magic in them and it is said that whoever wears these bracelets will be mind-controlled." Mal says and Evie says, " My mother used to tell me that when the bracelets were brought together they would do unspeakable damage to the rest of the world." Evie says. Carlos and Jay shudder. " Well then we just grab those bracelets and we are as good as gold," Ben says. " Let's do this," Mal says. " Where is it?" Breylen asked as she threw off the sheets of her bed. She opens the drawer and finds a bracelet she slipped it onto her wrist and her eyes glow green just then Elaina says " hey you forgot your phone in the bathroom cool bracelet by the way," Elaina says with a smile. " Thanks," Breylen says with a grin. Breylen and Elaina head out the door and meet up with Jacey and Cayla." Hey guys how are you this morning?" Breylen asked. "  Good" Both girls replied in unison as they head down to breakfast. They reach the mess hall and they are greeted by the sound of kids talking and laughing. They grab their plates and head through the line after breakfast they all head to their first-period class. Elaina was in chemistry when she found a bracelet in one of the drawers. She grabs the bracelet and slips it onto her wrist. She continued through her day. After Gym class Jacey was at her locker when she spots a bracelet she slips it on her wrist. Cayla finds her bracelet in the library. That day during lunch the four girls were admiring their bracelets. That night Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos, Lonnie, Jane, Doug, and Ben were in Ben's office. " Ok, so Doug can you trace where the bracelets are right now?" Ben asks " Ok," Doug says pulling out his computer. He tracks the bracelets and says " Uh oh" Doug says " What's wrong?" Ben asks " Well the bracelets are all in room 2034," Doug says " hey isn't that Breylen and Elaina's room?" Mal asks " Yep and if they have two of the bracelets then Cayla and Jacey have the other two." Doug says " And I thought bringing them here was going to keep them safe." Ben says with a sigh. " Well, how do we get the bracelets off of them?" Ben asks. " They have to want to hand them over you can't just take the bracelets off of them they will be very defensive of them." Mal says " So then we have to let what do we do?" Lonnie asks " Well we have to be like a kid with the cold let it run its course." Mal says. " Should we keep an eye on them while they are going through this?" Doug asks "yes I think that we should keep an eye on them just to make sure that they don't do anything dangerous." Mal says. The rest of the group nods and they head to bed. Breylen crawled into her bed " Night Elaina." Breylen says " Night Brey." Elaina says as they drift off to sleep. In the middle of the night, Breylen woke up sweating from a horrible nightmare. She turned over and tried to go back to sleep but she continued to have horrible nightmares for the rest of the night. The next morning the girls tiredly stumbled down to breakfast. They grabbed their breakfast and sat down " Did anyone else have really bad nightmares?" Breylen asks as she takes a bite of her yogurt. " Yeah, they were horrible," Elaina says. " Same." Jacey says " Yeah." Cayla says. They troop off to their classes. 

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