Chapter 32- Make it Make Sense

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TW: Swearing

I shut my eyes, trying to move Simon out of my way. He begrudgingly steps aside before I throw the door open. I scan the hallway, noticing a trail of cursed energy disappearing around the corner. Simon looks over my shoulders.

"Tell me more about these...people who were following you." I take a few steps away from the door. Simon shifts his weight onto one foot and rests a fit on his hip.

"Simon," I grit my teeth. "I am trying to help you!"

"Who says I want your help?" He folds his arms across his chest and stands tall. "Maybe I came here on my own."

How can I get my point across without endangering you further?

"That is impossible!" I throw my hands in the air. "You can't see curses!"

His brow never unfurrows. I allow my arms to fall to my sides. My shoulders relax. Before I can say another word, the door opens.

Simon clears his throat and stands taller. "And who are you? Can't you see we are talking?" I take a deep inhale.

"Miss Blaise?" Gakuganji asks, "what is the issue here?"

I let out a long exhale. "Principal Gakuganji, meet Simon." I force a smile onto my face, "we went to school together."

Simon's eyes open wide as the principal walks past me.

"It is a pleasure meeting you," he lowers his head before continuing, "follow me. There is much to discuss."

It feels like a frost has ripped through the classroom. As the principal leaves, Simon looks at me, both eyebrows raised. I lift my shoulders toward my ears. We leave the classroom, Simon walking between Principal Gakuganji and me.

How I wish Satoru or Suguru were here. Someone who can talk sense into Simon and show him nothing good will come from this meeting. Agh! My distrust of sorcery is making me paranoid!


After ten minutes of walking, we stop in front of another room. I close my eyes, nearly running into the door as it shuts behind Simon. Great! Closed off and uninvited. I press an ear on the door, hearing muffled sounds. A shock to my face makes me step back. The two-faced serpent curse with fangs makes me walk away.

Screw you, Gakuganji!

With my fists shoved into my pockets and eyes closed, I walk back to where I came from. The silence in the hallways washes over me. My lack of focus takes me down another corridor. When the light from an oversized window catches my eye, I stop. I slowly look around the corner and let out a slow breath. The silence and lack of activity beckon me forth.

When I approach the window, my mouth spreads apart. My right foot supports my weight as I hoist myself onto the ledge. I cross my ankles, curling into myself before placing a hand on the cold glass. The family of birds flies over, hovering at my eye level.

I wish I could join you all. One of the birds taps the space where my hand rests. We would have fun! Floating around, darting away from dangerous situations. A shadow casts over my eyes, "be far away from humans!"

I shimmy the window open just a tad: allowing the bird who taped the glass to fly inside. It rests on my lap, cooing quietly as I stroke its head.

A gentle knock brings my attention to a group of third-year students. Their heads tip to the side.

"Don't mind us." I walk out the door with the bird sitting comfortably on my shoulder.

The bird and I meander down the dimly light hallway. My fingertips dance along the wall while the bird gently tugs at my shirt. A sudden drop in temperature makes my stomach drop and my eyes squint. The bird finds shelter inside my shirt sleeve. I turn on my heels when a loud thud echoes down the corridor in front of us.

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