03 || Departing Archon

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It took a few more days to get to Liyue Harbor, but somehow, in that short span of time, you became quite close with Aether and Paimon. Paimon always had some interesting tales about Liyue, and you loved to listen and watch her recall the stories with enthusiasm, regardless of if you knew them already or not. Aether, too, was fun to talk with. He opened up easily about his sister and his purpose in traveling Teyvat.

"Sometimes, it feels like you understand me so well," he had said one night when Paimon fell asleep next to the warmth of the fire of your camp. "It's almost as if you've been watching over me this entire time."

You could only laugh it off with a light punch to his arm before the two of you finally called it a day and fell asleep. But as you laid there listening to the sounds of nature and the soft snoring of your newfound friends, you couldn't shake off the uneasy feeling in your chest.

You did watch over him for practically years in the Genshin timeline. After all, no matter how you put it, he was simply a fictional character in a game. But seriously, just how did you end up in the real world of that game?

The possibility that you died in your own world, resulting in this strange life here, haunted you daily as you traveled throughout Teyvat until finally, you were at the entrance of the famous Liyue Harbor.

You, Aether, and Paimon stood there, stunned.

"Archons, this gate is huge!" Paimon squealed as she flew around, admiring the auburn wood and green-painted tiles of the said gate. She quickly led the way as the three of you walked on the wooden bridge leading to the city.

Because it was day, there were many people roaming around the streets, and almost immediately the smell of street food wafted into your nose. Both you and Aether glanced at Paimon and laughed when seeing her almost drooling.

"Paimon, so what's with the Rite of Descension?" you smiled, nudging her from her trance.

"Right, right!" she coughed. Then she fiddled her fingers with a nervous giggle. "Well, Venti brought up the time, but Paimon...knows nothing about where it is."

Aether rolled his eyes.

"That's fine. We can just ask some locals," you commented.

Aether nodded and, being the nice ambivert he is, walked up leisurely to some people standing around for directions to the annual event. Although a few of the locals simply praised Rex Lapis for his predictions last year, one was helpful enough to direct the three of you to Yujing Terrace, the highest area of the harbor.

And thus came the journey up hundreds of stairs.

You weren't quite a fan, even with the beautiful pond and scenery surrounding you.

Truly, you felt terrible for the people climbing the infinite number of stairs only to see the "death" of their beloved Archon.

"Are you alright?" Aether asked, slightly panting. You nodded as you gave a thumbs-up and a wobbly smile. As you took the time to catch your breath, you looked around to admire the terrace. Just passed the moon gate was a center surrounded by a small border of glistening water. Banners of gold and brown were positioned at every corner of the center, and there was already a large crowd waiting for the Rite to begin. To the left was an overview of the harbor. To the right was a large golden building.

Again, a sense of awe washed over you as you yet again came to terms with standing in the game you would play. It was so different seeing it in real life, and you brushed your fingers against the walls, feeling the roughness.

"Hey," Paimon shouted ahead, completely ignoring how tired you and Aether were, "we should make a wish! Paimon heard that the best time to make a wish is today, during the Rites of Descension. Let's go!"

The three of you walked across the grey pavement to the censor to the left. There was another woman standing there praying as you and Aether looked for incenses. 

"Do you also want some Adepti luck?" she asked politely. When the two of you nodded your head, she smiled and handed the two of you some wooden sticks. "You must have done some research! Today is definitely the best day to receive the blessing of both the Adepti and Rex Lapis. Here, take it. I've already made my wish."

Gladly, you and your blonde companion took the lit incenses and placed them in the censor. You closed your eyes and put your hands together. You vaguely recalled that Xiao said he could hear the wishes carried by the lanterns during the Lantern Rite. Did that mean that he and the other Adepti might hear your prayers as well? If that were the case, you didn't want to give away that you were from another world.

Furrowing your eyebrows, you thought, "Let me find my home. I wish to go back."

When you reopened your eyes, Aether was still praying hard. You couldn't help but let a sad smile form on your face knowing that he was wishing to find his sister. Gently, you put a hand on his shoulder.

"Let's go light the other censor?" you murmured. 

"...Yeah, let's go," Aether replied hoarsely.

The two of you walked to the right where the large golden building stood to light the incenses there. By the time you finished sending your prayers to the heavens above, the crowd at the center platform had grown. You could see a distinctive white hair of a particular person and held your breath. It was definitely Ninnguang, her body accentuated by the white and gold body suit she was wearing. She raised her gloved hands to silence the crowd before looking up at the sky. She smiled upon seeing the good weather.

Gracefully, she summoned geo crystals that swirled around her, leaving traces of amber in the air. Then she directed them toward the censor at the center of the platform, food and drinks of all kinds placed beside it.

"Let's get closer!" Paimon gasped, doing zigzags in the air in an attempt to better see the ritual. She flew into the crowd, and you and Aether followed. You stopped, however, to admire the holden streaks of light shooting into the sky. But the sky quickly greyed, and what looked to be a tornado began to descend rapidly toward the ground. You braced yourself for impact.

The body of the Geo Archon crashed onto the censor, breaking it and scattering the offerings everywhere. Ninnguang ran closer and examined the body. The crowd murmured loudly.

Ninnguang's vermillion eyes narrowed at the crowd as she turned and assertively extended her hand toward the guards.

"Rex Lapis has been killed!" she boomed. "Seal the exits!!"

At once, the Millelith stomped in with their spears, surrounding the exits of Yujing Terrace.

"Wait...did she just say that Rex Lapis...the Geo Archon is...DEAD?!" Paimon screamed, pulling her snow-white hair. Her eyes widened with worry when she saw the soliders. "They're questioning suspects...wait, are we suspects?!"

As Paimon began rambling about going to jail and never eating good food ever again, Aether put a hand to his chin and looked around.

You, noticing his suspicious action, asked, "What're you thinking, Aether?" The blonde got closer to whisper in your ear.

"We're going to get out. Let's go."

Knowing this already from playing the game, you smirked. Time to meet Childe.


The two of you sneaked toward the gate while the Millelith were focusing on other suspects, and you jogged by the side of the walls, hiding behind rocks and large bushes. There was a sense of adrenaline that rushed through your spine and tingled your toes. It wasn't every day that you were running away from soldiers, and it definitely wasn't every day that you witnessed the "death" of a god.

A small huff escaped your lips as you suppressed a curt chuckle knowing that Rex Lapis was actually in hiding. The eldest Archon was surely causing a ruckus in Liyue as he was sipping tea somewhere.

"Why are you laughing?" Paimon hissed, smacking your head. "This isn't funny! Paimon doesn't want to go to prison!"

But as her voice rose, she accidentally caught the attention of a few soldiers. She covered her mouth belatedly and hid behind you as the Millelith began storming forward. Aether grabbed your hand.

And the three of you ran away, down toward the beautiful Harbor city below.

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