Ch. 1: Oh Wow...

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(A/n: I know Saiki is ooc in this chapter, but its because of hormones, and its my book, so i can do what i want 😤 Also, when somebody is thinking, or Saiki is using telekinesis to speak directly to their mind, I'll use apostrophes)

◇Saiki's pov◇

Honestly, s3x wasn't all that great. All I wanted to do was try it out, so I did... I'm never doing it again. And I decided to do it in my girl form, so the person that I had s3x with doesn't even know that they really did it with a male. But honestly, ever since I had s3x, I've felt nothing but groggy and nauseous. I went through the whole school day perfectly fine. Nobody annoying talked to me, and it was finally peaceful. I fell asleep, getting ready for the next day.

~The next morning~

I wake up, feeling like total crap. Oh god... I put a hand over my mouth and run to the bathroom. I throw up in the toilet. I haven't thrown up ever in my entire life! Then my stomach starts to cramp up. Im not gonna lie, it hurts. I know I'm repeating myself, but I haven't thrown up ever, which makes it odd for me to throw up now. I decided that I'll stay home for today because the pain in my stomach hasn't gone away. What in the hell could've happened to me for it to be this way... I go back to the night when I had s3x...OH GOD. He wasn't wearing a condom and I was in my girl form! No, that's impossible, there's never been a pregnant male in history, they don't have the capability to... I dash to my mother's bedroom 'cause for some reason she has unopened pregnancy tests(which not gonna lie, is kinda gross.) I grab all that I could find and rush to the bathroom.

~A few minutes later ~

I... can't look at it. I'm not gonna lie I'm a little scared to. If they're all positive, that would completely demolish the chances of living a normal teenage life. I close my eyes, count to three in my head, grab the three tests, and flip them over...


Just by looking at those two lines of those three tests, the course of my life will change forever. I had a bit of a panic attack, but soon after I heard the door open. My mom was running errands, so she was out for a while. I came downstairs and acted as sick as I could, "Oh, Ku! how are you feeling sweetie? Are you okay? You're never sick," She asked me. I was debating on whether to tell her or not. Honestly I don't really know what to think. I'm so overwhelmed by everything that's happened in the past few minutes, I cant think straight at all,"Oh, there there, it'll be alright," She embraced me in a tight hug. "You never cry, what's up?" Crying? I reached for my face and felt tears. Oh shoot, I was. I can't just brush it off, I have to tell her now. 'Mom...' I started to debate whether I should tell her or not. "Oh sweetie..." I've never cried once in my life, so it was a total shock for me and her both. 'I need to show you something,'

   I led her upstairs and into the bathroom, grabbing the tests before she could see them. "Ku, what are you holding behind your back?" I held out my hand with the three positive tests. "What's this? Wait, Kusuo!!" She had an angry tone in her voice "Did you have s3x with a girl and now she's pregnant!?" 'No! Those are my tests. I'm the one who's pregnant.' I told her, mumbling the last sentence. I was so scared of how my mom will react to this news until I heard my mom's thoughts.

'Oh my god! I'm gonna be a Grandma!? I'm so happy! But whoever did this to my little Kusuo will PAY'

   What was going on in her head was the opposite of what was happening on the exterior. She was crying now. She stroked my cheek and cupped my face, looking me in the eye. "It must've been so hard to tell me, huh?" I nodded, seeing more tears streaming down her face. She pulled me into a tight hug. "Oh Kusuo! I'm so happy! I will help you through this okay?" She let go and held both of my hands 'Okay,' I said in a quiet voice. "If you have any questions, let me know, okay?" She started leaving the room. 'Actually, I do have a few questions...' I said, shyly. "Let's go to my room, I have a lot of books about pregnancy ever since I had Kusuke." We left the bathroom, and we went into her room, her pulling out multiple books and splaying them across the bed. "So, what questions do you have?" 'What can't I eat during the pregnancy?' I asked. "Well, to start off, avoid eggs, processed meats, raw fish, raw poultry, herbal tea, and coffee." Coffee!? Wait, does that mean.. "You'll probably need to lay off the coffee jelly for a while, sorry Ku!" 'Dammit...' I cursed under my breath. "And you'll have to stop swearing if you want a well mannered child!" She swatted at my arm playfully. 'How should I tell dad? And what should I do about school when the baby starts to show?' I asked, mostly concerned about school. "Well, we should probably tell your father tonight. I don't know what we'll do about the high school situation, but we'll figure it out later. Ooh! We should also schedule you an appointment to see how far along you are! And you'll get to see the baby and..." She rambled on and on about pregnancy. Normally I would've probably found this annoying , but it was nice to talk to my mom and have her be so excited.

~During dinner~

My dad is sitting across from me, and it is the most nerve-wracking experience I've ever gone through. I had to tell him that I was pregnant tonight, so now would be the best time to tell him. 'Dad. I need to tell you something,' I spoke to him. I felt a hand on my thigh and I looked at my mom sitting next to me. She gave me a wink and I took a deep breath. "What is it Kusuo?" My dad asks, genuinely curious. 'I'm pregnant,' My dad takes a minute to process what I said... When I said minute, I actually meant minutes. We were sitting there in silence for five minutes straight until he finally said something. "I don't know if I heard you right, could you say that again?" 'I'm pregnant, dad.' I told him... again. God this was way more difficult than it needed to be. "Okay, that's what I thought you said... WAIT PREGNANT!? KUSUO, YOU'RE PREGNANT!?" My god that took a while. At least he knows now. 'Yes, I'm pregnant! I've told you two times already!' Honestly, I don't even know why I have to tell him. If I didn't, he probably wouldn't even have a clue when my stomach swells up to be the size of a watermelon. "That's amazing Kusuo! How long have you known, how far along are you, how many, blah,blah...." he kept asking questions that I have no answers to. While he was still going, I leaned over to my mom, 'Can we leave him here when I have my appointments?' "I was thinking the exact same thing" She smiled. After dinner, my mom made a call. I was sitting on our couch thinking about the baby. When I start to show, honestly, I can just brainwash everyone in the school to think my stomach is normal. But then, I'd have to sit out of gym class, and that would be suspicious. And I don't know if using my psychic abilities when pregnant is safe for the baby. Also, what if I go into labor during school, how would I explain that?..hmm. "Hey, Ku?" My mom's  voice broke me out of my thoughts, and I looked at her. "The doctor said they could fit you in today, are you up for that?" She asked me. I nodded in response. "Alright, could you be ready in twenty minutes?" Once again, I nodded. I walked upstairs to my bedroom. I'm not gonna lie, I'm excited to see the baby. I take off my shirt and notice that I no longer have my figure anymore, and there's a very small bump rested where my abs were, though it's barely noticeable. I put a hand on it. It felt... I don't know how else to put it, hard. Firm maybe? Honestly, it felt odd. I don't like the idea of my stomach swelling up like a balloon, I'm not gonna lie, it scares me. The fact that my stomach will keep expanding larger and larger as the baby forms just seems like an absolute nightmare. I put on a loose shirt and sweatpants, and headed downstairs. My mom and I left the house and drove to the appointment. I don't think my mom specified that I was a male when she scheduled the appointment, but we'll figure that out later. Right now, we're in the waiting room of the obstetrician's office. It kinda makes me uncomfortable, being a male and all in this area. I see various women in the room, some very obviously pregnant, some barely even showing. "Saiki?" The physicians assistant calls out. Mom and I stand up, following the woman. We both sit down in the room I'm being checked in. The doctor knocks two times to let us know shes coming in. "Alright, Kusuo Saiki?" We both nod. "Alright, if I can have you lay down on the examination table," She asks. I stand up "Oh no, I meant her." She points to Mom. My mother speaks up. "Oh! I forgot to tell you this!" She said. "I'm not Kusuo, im his mother. He's the one pregnant. I know this sounds odd because he's a boy and all, but he hasn't been feeling good. So he took pregnancy  tests and they were all positive." The doctor looked at me with a shocked face. "Well, go ahead and lay down. I'll continue with the appointment, " She looked at me with a surprised face as she palpated my belly. "Your stomach is already growing nicely. Would you like to do the ultrasound now?" "Yes, please," I said. She wheeled in the machine. I didn't have to pull up my shirt because it was already pulled up from when she was palpating my stomach. "Okay, this gel might be a bit cold." Im not gonna lie, it was kinda cold for a few, but then it warmed up. She waved the transducer around my belly until she stopped. I heard something... like a heartbeat coming from the machine... "There you go, this is your baby," the doctor pointed to the black blob that was showing up on the screen. My eyes widen as I stare at the machine. My mother stands up to see the ultrasound. "Oh, Ku! That's your little baby! A growing life!" 'How far along am I?' I ask. " 10 weeks. You're about two and a half months along," Wait, that far along already? Jeez... "Congratulations! Would you like a picture?" I nodded. She wiped off my stomach and I sat up. I was still in awe from the ultrasound. Once the nurse handed us the picture, we headed home in our car. During the whole drive, I was staring at the photo, thinking about the baby that will be here in a few months...

(A/n: 2005 words. So anyway, my sister  and I were thinking, who would be the most unexpected character to get pregnant,  and we both thought saiki k lol. This book is may or may not be taken seriously. There may be angst, but honestly, idk)


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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2023 ⏰

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