Chapter 1

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01||C H A P T E R 1———— H E  I S  A R T , T E R R I B L E  A R T , B U T
S T I L L , A R T

       •. M Y L O V E R .•


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A L E X I S M A D I S O N R O S I L E————

For the first time in five years,I find myself liking somebody.I didn't think I would actually fall in love with Christopher Owen Sturniolo.

I always said I wouldn't ever fall for him because if I do then that would break me and his friendship and I don't want that to happen.

God I always let my thoughts get in my head to much but what if he doesn't want to be friends if I express my feelings towards him.what if he doesn't like me an doesn't want to see me anymore because I like him,I mean he would deserve a better person,not me but like my friend,aria, yeah she's really pretty and I'm just a far ugly with anxiety, girl that nobody wants.

No one would ever want to be with me,be seen with me or anything.I'm just a boring person.GOD I hate myself why do I let my thoughts do this to me I overthink everything,like when I thought that nobody would want to be my friend but turns out i have friends,what if there just being friends with me because they feel bad.

I don't think anyone should like me,I'm weird,ugly and I don't think nobody likes me at all.

¸.••.¸ 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 .••.

"Go away violet I'm trying to sleep I'll play with you later"Alexis says in a sleepy voice.

"'s not violet,it's me chris"

Alexis gets up quickly. "Oh sorry chris let me unlock my door" Alexis says while rushing to the door.

"No worries take your time I'll be here waiting for you until you open the door"

Alexis unlocks the door and opens the door.

"Sorry if I took to long"

"I told you it's fine don't stress yourself"

"Thanks chris I just haven't been feeling well lately"Alexis says in a kinda sad tone

"Oh do you want me to come back when your better?"chris question's because he want her to be okay.

MY LOVER || Chris sturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now