pt 44

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beep beep bee- the alarm was shut off.

After a h/c person threw it against a nearby wall..?

Slowly the person stood up, they were in their pj's and still a bit out of it.



"ugh ow my head.. What happened, who changed me into sleep clothes.."

You said looking around, the room was messy but it was unmistakably your old room at your parents house.

"what the.."
You muttered before you went to grab your phone on instinct from the side table.

Only there didn't lay your phone.
But an old cracked one with rose gold accents.

You stop for a second it being familiar..
Picking it up anyway you try to turn it on

it's not powering on.

"Damn it.."
You say before going downstairs still in your pj's, When you entered the kitchen you saw two people at the dining room table.

Your father reading a newspaper, and your mother smoking a cigarette.

They looked like your parents, but older and less lively, like they've never seen happiness.

" dad..?"
You said and looked around, there was no breakfasts made and the only smell in the house is from the lingering smoke from cigarettes.

Your father didn't answer.
But your mother took another drag from the cigarette before answering.

"hey hun..did you get all your things ready yet?"
You looked confused, this didn't feel right.. You thought for a bit.

You hesitantly anwser

" good then get out of the house.."
Your father blurted out not looking up from his newspapers
"and hurry i already called you a cab."
He added.

You where shocked.
'What happened to my parents? Did i do something? Why am i here- was all that before.. Just..a dream..?'
You thought to yourself, your shoulders dropped as you looked at the ground your eyes testing up

"Don't just stand there go get your things" you mothers voice snapped you out of your thoughts.

"yes ma'am- and yes sir.." you rush up to your room, you slammed the door behind you as you enter.

"what is happening..?"
you wondered out loud...
you scanned your room and saw a calendar on the wall, the current date marked.
"i.. didn't have a calendar"

you walk over it, under the current date there was a message in your handwriting
'moving day'
with an arrow pointing at the circled day, the date is in the past.

only if it weren't for 'that' (chibi creepypastas x reader)Where stories live. Discover now