O'honey where art thou

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In the hive it is oh so very busy,
all of the bees buzzing about,
to say the least its dizzy,
soon though born is a bee small and stout.

so many bees buzzing ,
and wizzing,
and wuzzing,
or was it that the buzzing  of the 
was boundless and beefy.

or that the bombastic actions taken by a fraction is fantastic,
like assassins in the dark,
sting  those who come up into the attic,
 waiting and plotting on anyone who comes close to their art.
their nest, just like the rest,
is a home of a hundred,
feeding every hungry bee left,
in this home of two hundred,
training soldiers for a test,
in this home of three hundred,
every day more are born like pests,
in this nest of four hundred,
train the bees to work,
in his nest of five hundred.

raise them all to make honey for a queen
     who doesnt love them, is just mean
            and cruel it really does seem
               this colony is just a team
                 go and blow off steam
                    go and sting a little
                       and be deemed
                               to see

then it happens,
like a miracle of life,
a bee is born 
just a larva ,
and its stuffed out of sight.
out of mind, out of the way,
to be a bee is just, 
part of the world today.

soon though it will molt,
only one with different mind,
not enough to revolt,
stay in line youll be fine,
sit still and dont joke.
dont speak unless spoken to,
dont worry til you break the rules,
dont be afraid, a stingers a tool,
dont get out of line be a string on a spool,
and dont lose your temper, dont lose your cool. 

in the hive 
your job is to fly,
locate the flowers,
and clean them dry.
in the hive
 you feed the queen,
bring her the honey ,
and leave her be.
in the hive
your job is to spread,
the pollen and all,
before the flowers are dead.

In the quarters where the bees rest their eyes and their wings,
a peculiar little mutiny is forming fast, growing high like the figs. 
4 bees special, shy of a fifth, come together in secret here,
1 bee potential, shy of a wish, come here in secret to peer.
he is found and beaten to talk, soon he joins them on,
alltogether they leave and walk, off the seats they were upon.
of the mutiny they planned i will not talk of here,
but know dear kids that the binds have begun to sear.

a particular bee,
the bee who liked to peer,
was about to see,
and smell and hear.
all kinds of new things,
like flowers,
and beatles,
and blue feathered wings. 
no monarchal regnant,
no caste to abide,
freedom of agreement,
decisions to be made,
and choices to decide. 

they leapt together in a line,
from the window of the attic, 
taking strides one at a time,
fluttered wings sporadic. 

                                             into the sky
                                                         the other side
                after color
                                                          the others 
                                           beautiful flowers
          the hours

underneath flowers, 
discussion was held,
talk to overpower, 
the monarch withheld.
not 4 but now 8,
no 9 sorry wait,
i mean 30 now 40,
and so goes the chain. 

bee out of discussion, 
whom loves to take pollen,
has hurried off home to the hive,
the world is so scary, 
but thrilling and daring,
this jobs where it will thrive.
scared to kill,
scared to fight,
scared of fire,
fire bright.
scared of conflict,
scared of war,
scared to call it,
scared to the core.
freedom is there,
but sacrifice must,
be made for the fair,
and guilty and just.

at the next step of work,
the bees now arrive,
with pouches of nectar, 
the bee now strives.
 to make of the honey, 
this now divides,
the worker from the workless,
the workless die.

step             step
by step          by step
they work        they work
but oh!                OH!
our bee               the bee
hast no 
he tries 
and tries   
                                  with all his might
he asks
and asks 
                                   a face of fright
to look
                                               where to go!
to queen
for trial 
                                                 oh.. oh NO!

In his cuffs of  wax he goes,
to the queen, for what who knows.
the only way to live,
is to prove your worth to give.
honey to the queen
or else, why be a bee
                                                             a bee  alive that is 

face to face with its mother
the bee sat frozen too
awaiting his selection 
to be eaten-!!

"No please queen i dont wanna die,
i dont wanna i really dont
please! please! " 
                                                                             begging for his life is all hes got

the queen had him taken
to the chopping block 
                                                                                    if only he had a minute to
                                                                                             gather his thoughts!
she had him set to be
her next dinner 
                                                                                    he wouldnt be a meal if he
                                                                                                was any thinner

when hold it
hold on
the mutiny's begun
just as the axe had begun-
                                                                                             had begun to swing!
the bee slipped away 
in the noise and confusion 
                                                                                           glad he backed out of
                                                                                                   that crazy collusion 
he chewed through his cuffs,
and began to run,
to the window with his stuff,
he could see the sun.
no need to wait,
or stand in line,
no need to break,
he'll be fine.                                                                     oh hell be fine
just jump,
have faith,
in time. 

jump             jump
flap                  fly
flutter             high
                               dont stop 

go                  no dont stop

no       dont stop

no dont stop

dont stop



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