Chapter One

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*•*°*•*°*•Chapter One•*°*•*°*•*

Echo stared out the ship's window gazing upon her home planet. A blue gas giant in the neighboring solar system to where she lived now. Its rings were as blue as Earth's oceans once were and the stars in the distance surrounding it made the planet stand out even more.

The actual planet was the most beautiful blue Echo had ever seen. Echo had been traveling around the Milky Way galaxy for some time but she wanted to make one last stop before she went back home again.

Echo opened the Oxygen Wall and readied the lower pod-ship room. She started planning how she was going to get one full orbit around the planet without getting noticed. She wanted to see it fully and up-close one last time.

"I should have known we were coming here again."

Echo turned around. There was her pilot - Jax - standing at the door with his hands behind his back. Tall, dark skinned, brown eyed and brown hair and a very firm jaw-line... And a dog tail. But his jaw always seemed to be the first thing the 17-year-old noticed about Jax. When she first met him, he appeared human to her. He revealed himself to her later as one-quarter alien/dog. His family was a wealthy legend a few solar systems away.

Echo looked at him and smiled sadly. He was gazing out the window and looking at the blue planet with her.

"B-Taloon; the fifth and final gas giant in the 16th solar system in the Milky Way galaxy." Jax met Echo's blue eyes. She sighed. "I know where we are."

"Why don't you ever tell me why you were banned from returning?" Jax stepped towards her. She shook her head. "Not now."

Jax took another step towards her and Echo pushed him away. "Listen, Jax, I-"

Echo jumped as something shook and crashed a floor down and surprised them both. It was the pod-ship room. Echo looked at him and then sped off towards where the mysterious noise came from. The tall boy was close on her heels.


Comet groaned out in pain. He clutched his side and tried to see out his clouded window. He could already hear his mother's complaints. "How could you crash the family pod-ship?!" Comet mimicked what he thought his mother would say. "Well mother, how could you leave the errands to your 14-year-old son and not even tell him where to actually go?!" He took a rag and cleaned the windshield. He mumbled to himself, "Am I even on the right ship?"

He sat up and looked out the windows. He had safely passed the Oxygen Wall but had crashed into another pod-ship. Comet sighed and cautiously and carefully -but curiously- opened the door.

"Hello?" He called out. Comet climbed out and crossed his arms. "It's Comet Eclipse, Key Eclipse's son!" His eyes searched the room for any signs of life.

"I'm here to pick up the weekly supply of Moonrock..." He called out. "Hello?!"

He waited a few seconds...


He sighed. Comet took his red goggles off his eyes and placed them atop his head. He started to walk towards the door but stopped and looked back at the pod-ship. Smoke was floating up from the back and the wing was slightly off where it was supposed to be. If Comet didn't get that wing fixed soon, it would drive him insane.

"Yeah um, hi?" A voice echoed. Comet jumped and turned around. The door had slid up silently and there stood a girl with slightly brown and black hair. Her eyes were green and her face appeared slightly round. Her nose was small. Her lips were a tiny bit bigger and her eyebrows were natural-looking but obviously well-taken care of. Her hair was messy but wavy with some curls at the end. Her skin was brown in most spots and pale in others. She was wearing a unfamiliar uniform. The jacket wasn't properly zipped up and that was annoying Comet almost as much as the wing of the pod-ship. She was tall and skinny and there were blue goggles on her head. They were the same type of goggles Comet was wearing only Comet's were red.

"Why are you in here?" The girl asked. It was just then that he realized that she was holding a gun and that there was a tall -taller than both of them- and buff boy behind her. The gun was pointed at Comet.

He started to panic. "I thought this-" Comet tried to stay calm. He had never had a gun pointed at him before and he wished he never would again. It frightened him, but he was going to make sure he kept his cool.

He took a deep breath. "I'm running some errands for my mother and I saw the Oxygen Wall open and I just figured that this was where I was supposed to go." Comet replied and started fidgeting with the end of his shirt nervously. The girl raised one of her eyebrows a little and gave Comet a look of complete disbelief. Comet grew even more nervous.

What would happen if she didn't believe him? And what about the boy behind her? His face was emotionless. Comet was sure his own face looked terrified.

The girl sighed. "You're paying for any damages done to my pod-ship." She lowered her gun and placed it in her belt.

Before Comet had any time to relax, a quiet ding came from their direction. The girl turned towards the boy as he looked down at his wrist. There was a metal band that wrapped around his forearm with lights and buttons placed on it.

The boy tapped on the screen and quickly read something before showing it to the girl. Her eyes widened. She then turned back to Comet with a slightly angry look. "I hope you weren't planning on returning home any time soon. Follow me."

Then they disappeared down the hall, leaving the door open behind them.

"Well... it's them or an angry mum." He paused. "Why not?" Comet raced after the two through the door and it closed behind him.


New story. I made the title page, too. I'm really excited. What do you guys think?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2015 ⏰

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