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We were given the next day off to recover from the trauma of the attack.

However, Wednesday came quickly and we were once again in class.

I sat in my seat, feeling listless as I had nothing to do but wanted something to do. My phone was doing me no justice and I didn't know what to draw.

Ashido: "Where's Aizawa-sensei?"

Midoriya: "I don't think he's recovered enough to come in today."

Me: "Doubt it. He's an indispensable teacher. It's likely that Recovery Girl has healed him just enough for him to stay awake and be able to teach."

Just as I finished, the door opened and Aizawa-sensei stepped through the threshold.

And he was covered in bandages.

The exclamation from my class as they saw him preparing his notes was loud. Loud enough that Jiro-chan flinched.

Iida: "Aizawa-sensei! Are you okay?!"

Aizawa: "Yeah, Recovery Girl went overboard with my healing so I could come. Anyway, the fight isn't over yet."

Kaminari: "More villains?!"

Aizawa: "... No. The Yuuei Sports Festival is coming up in two weeks. All the classes will be competing with each other for the first place spot in the sports festival. It is one of the biggest events in Japan and many people, including villains, civilians, and hero students from other schools alike will be watching you."

Ashido: "A normal school event!"

Classes passed quickly in our anticipation to start training. Before I knew it, lunch was called.

We made our way to the door only to open it and find dozens of students crowding the doorway.

I heard murmurs about us being the class that survived a villain attack and other demeaning comments about our mental fortitude.

Midoriya: "What the!"

Kirishima: "What are they doing here?"

Bakugo: "They're scouting out the enemy. We're the class that survived a villain attack. Now move it extras!"

???: "Wow. I came to see the class who went through an attack but clearly you guys are all assholes!"


Me: "Bakugo. You didn't get first in the entrance exam. You aren't first in the class. You better set a more attainable goal before your audacity lands you a permanent second to Izuku-kun."


Me: "I did get first on the entrance exam. I'm the one who damn near killed the Nomu you barely outran. I'm the one who fought with the orchestrator of the attack on the USJ and the one who disarmed his quirk with no injuries. The worst troubles you've experienced in your life was being attacked by the sludge villain. My struggles dwarf yours so until you gain some perspective, you can shut the fuck up."

I turned to the one who assumed we were all assholes.

Me: "And you. Who are you to call us all assholes?"

???: "Clearly it wasn't that bad since you're in 1A. The entrance exam was biased towards people like you so people like me have no chance of winning. But there's a catch. The sports festival is also a chance for students who didn't get into the hero course to transfer. Meaning one of you would be kicked out. I've come to declare war on class 1A."

Me: *snorts* "War? What do you know about war?"

???: "Enough to declare it. What have you suffered that I haven't?"

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