Chapter 11 (Beau)

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I knew Charlie was struggling with something. She would be laughing with me then her face would fall, showing her true feelings about what was going on. Everything in me wanted to pry into her in hopes she would open up and tell me what was going on. Deep down, I knew she wouldn't though. She didn't know me that well, and whatever it was, was deeper than just a family falling out.

We finished eating dinner and she helped clean the dishes even after I told her not to. She was very persistent and I figured it would get her mind off of whatever war was raging inside of her. I had wished that Charlotte wasn't her sister many times because I wanted to get to know her more. She seemed like a down to earth type of girl. Someone that was easy going and could talk to just about anyone. Of course, now that I'm with her sister, and they aren't on good terms, that has made it difficult. She had been avoiding me.

When I saw her car on the side of the road, I was afraid something bad had happened. Then I saw she was sitting in her car. I was relieved that I didn't have to try to search for her in the pouring rain. Although, I would have if it came down to it. I know myself, and I would have spend all night searching for her until I found her.

I don't know why, but I feel protective over her. She's not too much younger than me, but to me she was innocent and pure. She had been open with me and I feel like she was vulnerable which makes me want to protect her from everything. That's just the type of person I was. I'm glad to know being overseas had not hardened my heart that much. They would use the innocent and pure to deflect our attention for a moment before they would strike. I could tell that was not what she was doing.

That's why I took her to my house. I wanted to care for her, and get her out of her wet clothes before she got sick. I wanted to care for her... I shouldn't want to do that since she was not my girlfriend but that was my nature. Even when stationed overseas, I felt this need to tend to the men around me. I wanted to protect them and tend to their wounds. It was the same with her. I wanted to protect and tend to her wounds, even if they were internal.

We sat on the couch, and I turned on an old Tv show called Home Improvement with Tim Allen. It was one of my favorite shows as well as Charlotte's, or at least that was what she wrote me. I noticed Charlie watching the show intently and laughing with me at the best parts of the episodes we watched. Next thing I realized she was fast asleep and it was already after ten at night.

Instead of waking her up to take her home, I grabbed a blanket and laid it over her. I snuck away to the kitchen for a drink of water. As I was turning around from the sink I accidentally knocked her purse over, spilling out its contents. I bent over to pick them up to put them back into her bag when I noticed a letter with familiar writing. It was my writing. Then I realized it was one of the letters I sent Charlotte. I opened it to find one of the last letters I had written.

Dear Charlotte,

As I'm reflecting on my life, and how much has happened here where I'm stationed, I remembered how your letters have spoken straight to my soul. I was in a dark place here, with death on all sides, and yet I find hope and comfort in your words. It's almost as if your words have magical powers that speak right to me and through me. I can't wait for the day we finally meet, when I can really tell you how much your letters have meant to me these past six or so years. When that day comes, I won't hesitate to find you! Whenever that time may be. I just hope you'd want to meet me. If we never meet, don't forget about me.


I had forgotten about this letter. What was Charlie doing with it? Had she taken it from Charlotte? If so, why? What was the purpose of her having that letter. Did this have anything to do with why she was in the mountains in the pouring rain? Or maybe it had something to do with why she's at odds with her sister?

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