Look Me In My Eyes Behind The Scenes

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Remember, this is NOT a ship book so don't come at me.. anyway, this is the behind the scenes version of a chapter in my Bapa book 🤭 ANYWAY.. this is not based on true events, it's just my weird imagination. 😭

At The Studio

No One's POV:

Mike: "okay! Y'all did great, be back in 30 minutes."

Terrence: "that's all we get for break?"

Mike: "ya want less?"

Terrence: "no sir.."

Mike: "okay!"

*Cooper, Dana, Terrence, Luca, and Havan start to walk away*

Mike: "wait, Luca, Havan and Dana, come here."

Luca, Havan, and Dana: "uh ok.." *walks back over to Mike*

Dana: "what do you need us for..?"

Mike: "So.. remember when we were talking about the 💋 scenes?"

Luca, Havan, and Dana: "yeah.." *they all look at each other and back at Mike*

Mike: "so, it either has to be Luca and Havan, Luca and Dana, or Havan and Dana.."

Luca and Havan: *they both look at each other, Dana, and then Mike* "I ain't 💋ing Dana."

Dana: *:'0*

Mike: "oh.. kay.. so y'all have to 💋."

Luca and Havan: "ok!"

Mike: "do you guys wanna practice or just do it when we record the scene?"

Luca: *looks at Havan*

Havan: *looks at Luca*

Luca and Havan: *they both look back at Mike* "practice."

Dana: "ima just leave.." *walks away*

Mike: "okay! Well.. go have at it."

Havan: "I- okay-" 

Luca: *😂*

Havan: "be quiet."

Luca: "no.."

Havan: "okay"

Luca: *small laugh*


In Havan's Dressing Room

No One's POV:

Havan: *sits down on couch* *...* "bro sit down.."

Luca: "oh.. yeah ok." *closes and locks door and sits down next to Havan*

Havan: "uh.. so the uh.. the door.."

Luca: "what about it..?"

Havan: "why'd you lock it?- it's bad enough that you closed it.."

Luca: "oh.. because it might get spicy.." *😏*

Havan: "oh?"

Luca: "yeah."

Havan: "oh kay.."

Luca: "so.. I'm gonna 💋 you now.."

Havan: "oh uh.. ok.." 

Luca: *picks her up and puts her on his lap making her face him*

Havan: "oh uh.. so we're doing it like this..?"

Luca: "well.. no.. you're gonna be on my lap because we're filming 'Look Me In My Eyes'" *🙂*

Havan: "oh ok.."


Luca: "I think you have to 💋 me.."

Havan: "oh.. ok.. yeah.." *puts her right hand on his cheek/face and goes in*

Luca: *💋es back*


After 2 hours of Luca and Havan making out (they still in the same position 💀)

A/N: (so uh.. I got a bit lazy lol, but after their first 💋, they started making out 😭 [bro I'm so nasty-])

Still in Havan's Dressing Room

Still No One's POV:

A/N: (It has been 2 hours, and Luca and Havan FINALLY break the session-)

Luca: "mm.. that was goodddd.."

Havan: *small laugh* "you're disgusting"

Luca: "nahhh.." *hears knocking noise.. again*

Havan: "what's that..?"

Luca: "I don't know, I keep hearing it." 

Luca and Havan: *gets up*

Havan: "wait.. someone's knocking.."

Luca: "oh.." *checks the time* "OH MY GOSH ITS 2:00 ALREADY"



Havan: "JEEZ SORRY.. wait.. can we stop yelling..?

Luca: "of course baby."

Havan: "hm?"

Luca: "huh?"

Havan: "I know you- never mind.." *opens the door to a angry Mike*


Luca: "we were uh.. practicing.."


Havan: *cough* "making out" *cough*

Mike: "wow.. just.. wow.."

Luca: "are we in trouble..?"

Mike: *....* "nope! Your characters are gonna be in a relationship anyway, so you guys might have more 💋 scenes than this one.. I mean you know.. if you're fine with it.."

Luca: *looks at Havan and back at Mike* "we're totally fine with it.."

Havan: "yeah" *looks at Luca* *does a small smile (not teeth showing so a grin)*

Mike: "ok, well, come on, we have to film the scene now."

Havan and Luca: "okay."


Hey guys! Sorry that I haven't posted in so dang long- anyway, Ty for reading, sorry this is a VERY weird chapter, so if you see a "mean" comment, it's my sister who prob didn't like the book 💀 anyway, tysm, bye! 💗💗💗

Word Count: 623 🤭

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2023 ⏰

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