Chapter 3

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"Who are you?" Petunia asked, shrilly. She was nervous this lady might have to do with the boy's disappearance. The boy is going to be killed if he told the police anything.

"You may call me Miss Blair. May I come in?" Emma asked nicely, lacing her words with a compulsion spell.

Harry was hidden by a tree near the house, he was surprised that Petunia let her in.

Petunia nodded, weary but somewhat accepting of the new presence. As soon as the door was shut her wand was pressed into the shrill lady's neck. Petunia didn't even have time to react.

"Harry will not come back here and you will not tell anyone he has left, not Dumbledore not anyone," Emma hissed.

Petunia was about to argue but Emma pressed the wand deeper into her neck, making it hard to breath.

"I will not hesitate to curse you, or even let Harry have a go at you. I'm sure he is finally done with your utter bullshit. He has learned lots of new spells, he even knows one that will pull your teeth," she smirked.

Petunia swallows and slowly nods.

"You will forget about this encounter. You kicked Harry out and won't let him back in..Oblivate."

Emma condensed quickly left the house before Petunia was able to realize that a strange lady was in her house. She signaled Harry to come over.

"What did you do?" Harry asked, walking closer to her.

"Let's just say a couple threats never hurt anyone," she grinned.

Harry matched her grin with a shark like smile. After she apparated them both to the house she had to leave for work. But she made sure Harry had something to keep busy with so she gave Harry all of her old schoolbooks.

Harry was unused to an empty house, much less a house that he was allowed to roam in completely. He sat down on the cozy couch and pulled out Emma's first year potion book.

Harry was amazed at how quickly he was learning about potions. The book explained the process and why certain ingredients changed a potion. Harry found out that it actually mattered which direction you stirred the potion, Snape never explained why just that he needed to follow the recipe exactly because he was too dumb to actually do it.

Potions were a lot like cooking once you got to know the ingredients and how they work with each other. The book almost made him excited for potions, that thought quickly died down after he remembered that Snape was his teacher.

Thinking about his teachers got him wondering who was going to be his new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor. Harry vowed to himself that he would not trust his professor no matter who it was. Every year it has show that his professors are never good for him. The only exception was his third year, Lupin was nice but he forgot his potion once and about killed everyone.

Harry had nothing else to do so he decided to read all her first year books. When Harry was in his first year he didn't have much time to focus on his studies instead he was occupied with trying to solve the mystery of the philosopher's stone and how to protect it. Dumbledore never should have stored the stone in a school filled with children much less have obstacles that three first years could solve. As Harry got older and matured more he still hasn't figured out why it was more of an obstacle course rather than barriers to protect the stone, why create a potion that lets you go through fire when you could have put poison in all of the bottles.

After Harry finished all the first year books he decided to take a little break and just lay on the couch. In his time of living he rarely got a moment when he could just relax. Harry thought that maybe he wouldn't be so quick to anger all the time if he was able to relax.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2023 ⏰

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