First Day and Not so Ordinary People

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-sorry for spelling mistakes and punctuation errors- (autocorrect is my hero and villain)

(Y/n POV)
My alarm blares in my ear, I smack it and it shuts off. I rise from my bed, swing my feet over the bed and start getting ready. I brush my hair and put on my uniform. "Y/n! Breakfast is ready!" My mom yells. I walk down the stairs and arrive at the kitchen "here's some toast and fruit, I'm sorry I couldn't make a proper meal," my mom says. I wave my hand signaling that it was fine. I grab my bag and head out the door.

 Cherry blossom petals fall from their branches, the wind blows through my hair

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Cherry blossom petals fall from their branches, the wind blows through my hair. I continue walking until I noticed people staring at me and whispering "She's so pretty..." "She's wearing our uniform, she might be in our class!" "Oh I hope I sit next to her!"

Hello I'm Y/n and this my life... Most people look at me and whisper or bow with their heads touching the ground. I've tried to make friends in junior high, but it never worked. People would just run away. I'm not expecting this year to be any different then the previous ones.

-time skip-

   I arrive at the entrance, I stand for a couple seconds before walking in

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I arrive at the entrance, I stand for a couple seconds before walking in. I look around for my classroom, but I can't seem to find it. I mean I could just ask someone for help, but that's a hassle...I walk around a bit more and finally find it. I open the door to see a couple of people inside 'seems like class hasn't started,' I think to myself. Everyone turns their heads to look at me. I quickly speed walk to my desk. I sit next to a very pretty boy 'looks like I'm not the only one who has to deal with the problem of peoples staring' I think to myself.

We make eye contact for a couple of seconds, like we have some type of telepathic ability. "Hello! I'm Hitomi Tadano, nice to meet you!" A random girl smiles brightly. I only look at her with a blank face, the boy looks at me seemingly paying attention to the "conversation".


"I SAID IM HITOMI TADANO, NICE TO MEET YOU!" This Tadano girl slams her hands of my desk and is still smiling. I sigh and say "I'm y/n, I'm really not into talking with people I don't know, I just don't find communication to be very useful" Hitomi look at me with a surprise look. "Y/n...that's a pretty name!" I only nod. "Well we can get to know each other, Y/n! And you can get to know Shousuke over there!" She points to the pretty boy next to me. I nod again.

More kids start flooding in the room and the teachers finally comes in. "Okay, let's start with self introductions, Y/n L/n is up first." The teacher announces. 'Are you kidding me?!' I internally scream. I stand up and speed walk to the chalk board, I grab the piece of chalk and quickly write my name out. I place down the chalk and walk over to my desk and every starts cheering 'what the hell is wrong with these people? Cheering over me writing my name on the broad? Weird...' I thought.

Hitomi looks confused

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Hitomi looks confused. And Shousuke looks indifferent. "Next is..." the teacher goes on to call other peoples names.

-Time skip to lunch-

   "I'm gonna ask!" I hear someone say. "If they want to eat lunch together!" 'Oh no.' I thought. The guy walks over "H-hey Y/n, Komi?" He starts. "W-wanna, um..." He stutters over his words. We look at him and his face flushes into a bright red. "No, uh...Nevermind!♡" he walks away. More people try to ask if we wanted to eat lunch with them. All end in failure.

   I look over to Shousuke "wanna eat lunch?" I ask quietly. He looks over and nods, I take out my lunch and open the lid. I use my chopsticks and pick up some food.

 I use my chopsticks and pick up some food

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   "Say 'ah" I put it near his mouth. He looks at it for a bit before opening his mouth. He chews on it for a bit and stays quiet. 'Does he not like it?' I think. He looks at me with a blank face. 'I'll take that as a yes' I thought.

   The day flys by, today I've finally made friends... "Shousuke and Hitomi...let's see how this goes" I say to myself.

(Shousuke POV)

   I arrive how and sit on the couch and slump my head down "Shousuke, you seem extra tired today," My mom said. 'Y/n...she beautiful and kind, though she doesn't talk often, when she does talk it's more of short sentences..' I thought.

I wonder how this goes.

Sorry if this was fast paced! I was finishing this in class.
The next chapter will be typed soon

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2023 ⏰

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