Secrets.·(Angst to Fluff)

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Eclair was reading a book about the next big artifact he was trying to get his hands on, but it was awfully quiet in his home. He wondered if his boyfriend was out doing something.

Eclair went to Affogato's room to see him...
Not there.
Eclair had stopped affogato from leaving the house at late hours because he was starting to get suspicious on why he was sneaking out.
Maybe I'm being to hard on him, he needs air!
Eclair checked the rest of the hours but to no avail, Affogato was nowhere.He had checked his messages but affogato hasn't texted him since yesterday.
Eclair sat back down on his bed to go back to reading but he was very concerned about where affogato was.
Where is he? Please don't be in trouble.
Eclair texted affogato to see where he was.
Love?where are u rn?❤️

Affo?please text be back I need to know you're okay.


Sorry if I'm annoying you, I'll be up by the time you come back.

Eclair's mind started to race with thoughts he had always got when this happened.
Is he cheating on me? He wouldn't right?
He better not be in danger.
Does he even still love me?Why isn't he responding?
Eclair stared at his phone for 20 mins, but no notification popped up.

Eclair is trying to go to sleep but he can't. Affogato hasn't came home yet and still hasn't messaged him.
There was a knock at the front door and eclair got up to see who it was.

"Who is it?"
"Affogato love"
*Eclair opened the door for him but saw his outfit nearly torn, scratches,and mainly blood.*
"Oh darling what happened-!Here come to the couch I'll go gr-"
"It's fine, go to sleep."
"Eclair. Go to sleep."

Eclair was visibly confused as affogato stared at him with anger.
"Could you at least tell me what happened and if you need anything to be set up?"
"My bed, is it messy?"
"No I fixed it when I saw you had left...again."
"Thanks, that's all I need."
"But wh-"
"Stop asking questions, you know how much I hate them."
"I'm very sorry."
*Eclair looked down and turned to go upstairs.He was about to cry as he was useless and affogato didn't seem to want to talk to him about it.
He thought they wouldn't keep secrets away from eachother.

The historian went to his room and closed the door.He started to burst out in tears but was keeping himself quiet.
Why aren't you doing anything.
He doesn't love you.
Nobody likes you.
They only need you for your intelligence.

Eclair laid down on his bed while cuddling the stuffed animal affogato gave him the valentines. It reminds him of his brothers he hasn't seen in a good 10 years.But that same day he had got the stuffed animal, affogato forgot it was their 1st anniversary.
He nearly broke out in tears Infront of his workers that same day.
Man, I really need to do something but I'm to much of an idiot to do anything.
Eclair curled up in a ball and silently cried.
Why am I crying?is in my falt he is like that right now?
He needed answers, so he slowly crept up to his door to listen what affogato was saying.
"He can't find out, he won't like me if I do tell him."
An unknown voice came out of nowhere.It sounded grouchy and sullen.
"He'll understand affogato, most villains have a reason!"
Eclair was shocked. He thought affogato moved on from that.No, he doesn't care as long as affogato doesn't betray his love for him.
"But if he finds out he'll tell all of parfeadia!"
"You keep worrying, trust me he won't care much."
"Hopefully your right about that."
Affogato sounded hurt, seemed like the person there was healing him.
The guy kinda sounded like licorice.
Eclair was gonna confront affogato about it tomorrow.
(*The next day.*)
Eclair woke up and went to do his morning routine.He heard affogato approaching his room.
*Knock knock knock*
"Come in." Eclair said.

"Morning love, how are you?"

"... I'm doing okay, you?"

"My whole body hurts but I'm doing good."

"Need anything?"

"Nope, You don't have too help me here"

Affogato slowly grabbed eclair's waist and went to give him a kiss but eclair turned away from the kiss.

"You alright-?You always want my morning kisses,"affogato said

"I have to talk to you about something."

"Mkay, what is it?"

"You're hiding something from me."

Affogato looked at eclair in the eye.

"Look, we promised to tell eachother everything but you have something you have been keeping away from my that has been making me upset because you've been quiet about it." Eclair replied.

"I-i'm sorry eclair i-"

"Just tell me the full thing and what had happened yesterday."

"L-look, eclair, I've been keeping this secret because I didn't want you knowing-!"

"Affogato cookie. Just tell me already."



Affogato let go of eclair and stepped back. He didn't like when eclair yelled at him.

"I-I'm s-sorry i-"

Eclair stared at affogato while crossing his arms.

"E-eclair I'm very sorry, I didn't want to tell you cause you probably won't even love me anymore. You probably heard what Lico said and yes it is true. I am infact one of the cookies of darkness but I have a reaso-"

"And you couldn't have told me sooner?"

"Wait what-"

"Y'know, I am not a hero or a villain! I'm just a historian trying to do what I love. I could care less about you being a COD member, but as long as you don't betray me I'll still love you. And if you ever need help for anything I'm here. Don't ever keep secrets like that from me again."

Affogato was baffled.
He actually loves me the way he wanted to be loved. He takes care of him and doesn't care if I become a threat to the city. Eclair looked at affogato and affogato looked back at eclair.
Affogato tackled him to the floor and gave eclair pepper kisses around his face.

"I love you so much, why are you so amazing-!"Affogato said while squeezing eclair.

"Okay okay- you're gonna kill me."
Affogato kissed eclair on the lips and held it for a minute or so.The two decided to spend the day together doing whatever they feel.

The end.
(1100 words woohoo!I'm proud.
P.s thanks to my followers and quiet viewers, you guys somehow give me motivation to work on this book!!
Request are still open :D
Have a good afternoon/morning/evening/night!)

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