Asking For A Friend

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(It Tuesday and Sirmran and Magen are on the school bus)

Magen :Hi Sirmran, do u think Mrs.Belle has room in her class for one more wedgie slave

Sirmran :What?

Magen :well, Mrs.Belle sounds like a great wedgie slave from the wedgies she gave u.

Sirmran :Look I wasn't even sirposed to tell u about that stuff

Magen: Pls, ask her me. Pretty Pls.

(Magsn continues to say pls till Sirmran says yes)

Sirmran :fine, but u owe me one.

Magen : Thank u

(Sirmran checks her phone and sees a message from Mrs.Belle saying to meet her in her officeThe bus stops in front of the school and Magen and Sirmran go out of the bus and work towards the school. Magen works toward her class and Sirmran works towards Mrs.Belle office.She knoks on the door. )

Mrs.Belle :Come in

Sirmran :(look around the room to make sure their no one beside Mrs.Belle in the room) Yes Mistress, u wanted to see me.

Mrs.Belle :Gust wanted to see if u finished the task.

Sirmran :Not yet mistress almost madam.

Mrs.Belle :Why not?

Sirmran :I was little busy when I got home and couldn't finish it.

Mrs.Belle :Okay, u better have it done before our lesson tomorrow. Or else

Sirmran :Yes Mistress

Sirmran :Mistress,I was wondering if u were looking for another wedgie slave.

Mrs.Belle :Not really, but the 2 wedgie slaves are better one. Who looking for a wedgie master.

Sirmran :My friend Magen.

Mrs.Belle :The Magen that's in out class

Sirmran :Yes Mistress

Mrs.Belle :How do u know this

(Sirmran explains the Mrs.Belle the hole story)

Mrs.Belle :(angry tone)U told someone about our deal.

Sirmran :Yes, but it worked out in the end and if I told her not to tell anyone.

Mrs.Belle :Thag may be ture but u told someone about our arrangement. For that u need to be a lesson.

Sirmran :(nervously asking) What kind of lesson?

Mrs.Belle :You and friends will find. The first lesson is English and she isn't here and I have the first lesson free . When it's english go come straight here and bring Magen.

Sirmran :(nervously) Yes Mistress

(When it english Sirmran wait for Magen in front of the english class. Once she finally sees her she tells her what Mrs.Belle said. They both go towards Mrs.Belle office)

Magen :What do u think she's going to do to us?

Sirmran :Idk, but I have a bad feeling about it.

(They are stand right infront of her office. Sirmran knoks. Mrs.Belle says come in. Sirmran check if theitlrs anyone else in the room. When she sees theirs nobody she say "Yes Mistress".They both walk in. )

Mrs.Belle :So Magen I hear u want to be one of my wedgie slave's.

Magen :Yes

Mrs.Belle :This us what going to happen I gonna give u too some wedgies and mint make u 2 give each other some wedgies if their time. I'm going take pic of u to in wedgies so that u think twice about telling people our deal (stairs at Sirmran when saying that)

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