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"SHOYO SHOYO GET UP" I felt someone shaking my arm as I groggily got up, I opened my eyes to see yachi looking scared "what is it hitoka?" she let go of my arm and said 

"It's time to get up and raise the sun but the moon isn't moving" she pointed to the moon still in the sky "maybe they want to meet us!" I said happily getting up and raising the sun, as I got closer to the moon I was able to see a figure near the moon he looked tall with a robe on he also seemed to be talking to someone as there was another shorter figure that was waving their hands around we got closer and closer till we were next to them the tall one had pretty blonde hair and the shorter one had an almost green color of hair, their robes I guessed represented what god's they were as the blonde had a moon in the center of their robe like how I had the sun in the center of mine while the green haired boy had stars scattered around on his some showing constellations as hitoka did as well "sorry for not moving out of the way" said the green haired boy who looked quite scared about it "it's ok no need to worry" I said in a calm voice after I said that he looked at the moon saying "tsukki cmon there up let's go" he tugged lightly on the moon's robe while the moon gave him an irritated look before saying "tsk... no'' he then looked hitoka and I up and down before saying "so you're the goddess of the cloud's and sun?" which I spoke up by saying "yes this is hitoka and I'm shoyo!" I was very happy to meet them but after I said that I got no answer and it was just silence for a while till the green haired boy spoke "I'm tadashi and this is kei" which earned a grin from me and hitoka 

"well it's nice to meet you both!" hitoka said happily before they could answer though we heard yelling from the humans below us, as we all looked down I saw my followers arguing with some other human's i'd never seen before they had dark and circle like clothing as my followers had spiky and bright clothing "what are those other humans doing to the humans that follow me?" Kei said I looked at him for a bit which he noticed and stared back at me "those are my followers" I said a bit quieter than I would've liked.

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