Ride to the Airport

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A woman and a man who look like they're in their 30's are in a car. They're hurrying to the airport to find their daughter.

     Woman - 
          Honey, we have to hurry to get to the airport, she's going to leave with him, we both know he's not safe.

     Man -
          I know, but there's a lot of traffic- 


The woman and the man get into a car crash. Smoke everywhere in the air, the car explodes, parts of the car flying everywhere. Two men in black are running away in the distance trying to escape.



Valerie walks to the receptionist at the gym, showing her membership card. She puts down a gym bag that has a teddy bear peeking out. Valerie's best friend Sophie walks in putting her bag next to her.

     Sophie -
HEY GIRLLLL! You sure you're not coming to the party later tonight? We both know you looove parties!

Valerie puts the weight back, while walking towards Sophie, Valerie looks down and looks back up while crossing her arms.

     Valerie -
I told you already... I can't go.. I have things to do...

     Sophie -
But Josh is gonna be there. You never miss any of his shows at the bar.

     Valerie -
I know... but since I'm in my hometown, I want to go visit my parents. Since I met you guys I haven't had time to come back to say hi to them.

     Sophie -
Fair point... You are the Boss of that BIIIG company of yours and travel a lot, I'll tell Josh you won't be there tonight.

     Valerie -
It's okay, I'll meet him later.



Valerie and Josh, Valerie's boyfriend,  is meeting a therapist. The room is full of awards, there's a desk in front of a big shelf with books and more awards, there's a chair behind the desk and two chairs in front of the desk. 

     Therapist -
I would diagnose him as a sociopath.

     Valerie -
What can we do to help him?

     Therapist -
It's hard to treat, but it's treatable. He just has to come to therapy every month or week, whatever you guys decide. I'll give you guys a moment.

The therapist walks into another room to give them space.

     Valerie -
Baby what do you want?

     Josh -
Anything will be fine, I think once a month is good, I don't have that much time to come.

The therapist comes back in and they start talking, but you can't hear their conversations. A little time has passed before Valerie and Josh both gets up and leaves together.



You see Josh and Valerie going their separate ways. Valerie drives off.



Valerie has a backpack with the stuffed animal in her bag. Valerie picks up a bunch of sunflowers and walks to the checkout line to checkout.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2023 ⏰

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