No eye Nora Story

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18 year old Nora was an average high-school student about to graduate from Scales High school. Nora met a strange group of people that were usually the outsiders of the highschool population they did weird things and there were rumors they they were in a cult, but Nora was Desperate and needed friends. Nora was a loner and an outcast and if this was the only group that would take her in, so against her better judgement  she started hanging out with them there were 2 girls and 1 boy Lilith, Noah, and Clara. For weeks everything was fine with the group, they hung out daily talked about normal things. but one day the daily hangouts became nightly explorations to the point were they were all almost spending every waking moment together constantly looking for the perfect 'spot', the perfect spot for what she wondered, but everytime she brought it up or asked they would just ignore her and change the subject, during these times she had a pit in her stomach, and though her brain told her to get out, to find a different group of friends, but she never listened. Weeks after they started looking the perfect spot they foumd one in the middle of the woods a clearing it was very noemal but seemed off to her noah clapped his hands once smiling "alright so we meet here tommarow" everyone nodded there heads and agreed to meet there the next night. At school the next day though her friends werent there not there and she wondered why, they had never missed a day of school not for the time that Nora had known them anyway which at this point was about 6 months, she decided to try calling them but not one of them answered, so she decided to ask that night when she met them at there agreed to spot. Night came and around midnight she snuck out of her house and walked to the spot about an hour away it was chilly but not cold enough to require a heavy jacket as she walked her stomach did flips as she realised just how sketchy this all was her heart told her to turn back but she wouldnt she was curious the closer she got the more anxiouse she got she started to sweat she got to the edge of the clearing and saw it empty it made her really suspicious she was always the last one but again against her better judgent she walked to the center and waited about 10 minutes into her wait someone came up behind her hand over mouth so she couldnt scream she was roughly tied up and blindfolded she could hear muffled speaking  she started to hear chanting as she was roughly picked up and thrown back down her blindfold was removed and she realised she was in the middle of 3 people in white cloaks. Putting thepeices together she realised the rumors were true her friends were a cult. Lilith walked twords her knife in hand, she knelt down and grabbed Nora's face and bringing the knife to her eye she started pushing the knife under her eye and started to carve her eye out Nora tried to scream but a hand was held over her mouth tears of blood ran down her cheeks as she tried to scream harder, her throat became raw and she became blind falling over dead seconds later. The group of three took her body and started to chant black smoke entered were her eyes used to be. *3 years later* 3 years ago today a local teen went missing and has not been found, police say it was believed to be the teens group of friends but no evidence was ever found. A news reporter said in the background as the group of 3 sat at a table planning there next ritual and victim, *knock knock* lilith got up and walked to the door a scream was heard and the girls mangled body was thrown down the hall screams were heard from the house neighbors and pase4s by heard the screams and called the police, the police showed up not long after to find three mangled bodies missing there eyes in the house kitchen with no evidence of any kind of struggle like they had no time to comprehend what was happening. The culpret was never found and eventually everything went back to normal. But the few that have been know to have spotted her have disappeared and never been seen again no traces left of them.

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