queen of hawkins

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warning(s): homophobia and bullying

summary: y/n wheeler, the most popular girl at hawkins high defends a certain band geek who is getting bullied

robins POV:
it's hard being different, knowing that i'll always be seen as disgusting or unnatural, i haven't told anyone about me being lesbian, haven't even said it out load before the closest i've gotten too admitting my sexuality is writing it in my journal

i was sat at my desk waiting for class too start when
y/n wheeler and steve harrington walks in taking their seats infront of me

"hey harrington you got a pencil i can borrow?" i heard y/n whisper "no sorry this is my last one" steve responds "alright how about you? got an extra pencil?" y/n turned too look at me "oh- uh yeah here" i stuttered reaching into my pencil case getting one for her "thanks" she smiled

october 1st 1983
o.m.g y/n just talked to me she only asked me for a pencil but still! she knows who i am! i've literally been in love with her since sophomore year but i never got the courage to talk to her because she's always hanging out with steve carol and tommy, they aren't exactly the nicest people i don't even know why y/n is friends with them she's so much nicer then they are-

my writing was interrupted by the sound of the bell, i'll finish this journal entry when i get home since school was over and i was now headed to my locker to get my instrument for band because i have practice after school

"hey robin wait up!" i turned around to see y/n running towards me holy shit she knows my name "you dropped this" she says and hands me my journal making me freeze, did she read it? "oh thanks um you didn't read it did you?" i ask with a hint of worry in my voice. she shakes her head "no but i seen carol holding it i don't know if she read it or not though"  shit. if carol read my journal my school life is about to become a living hell "ok well thanks y/n" i replied with a fake smile trying to hide my fear

it was the next day i really didn't want to go to school because i was worried carol read my journal but i knew i had too go so i got out of bed, got dressed, brushed my hair, put on a bit of makeup and biked to school

  when i got there i took a deep breathe before entering the building and started walking to my locker, on the way there i seen carol laughing with a few of her friends, they kept staring at me.. shit

when i got to my locker i seen the word 'queer' written on the outside with permanent marker. you've got to be fucking joking, this is a dream right? i'm still sleeping, yeah! i'm about to wake up in my bed and everything is going to be ok!

but it's not a dream though... this is actually happening.. i felt tears form in my eyes as i turned to look at carol "hey dyke" carol said walking towards me "why would you do this?" i asked trying to blink away my tears "because your a disgusting freak!! i can't believe you have feelings for y/n wheeler do you know how gross that is?" i didn't reply instead i just stared at her not able to hold back my tears anymore making her laugh "just wait till y/n finds out about this" carol taunted and walked away "wait no! you can't tell her please!" i stammered but she didn't answer

y/n's POV:
it was now lunchtime i was walking to the cafeteria with my sister nancy and our friend barb "holy shit" i heard barb say, me and nancy looked at her confused "robins locker" she continued noticing our confusion i looked at her locker and seen the word 'queer' written out in big letters "oh my gosh who would do this" i asked feeling bad for robin "wait who's robin?" nancy asked turning to look at barb "just someone i use to be friends with" barb replied quietly

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