Chapter 1

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The crimson dripped off her blade and onto the soil below, soaking the ground in its owner's blood. Wiping it with her tunic, she shoved the dagger back into its sheath and grabbed her horse's reins. She stared at her work for a minute, basking in its deadly beauty before turning and galloping into the shadows. Part of her didn't want to return to the castle so soon, knowing what was in store for her. The image of the throne's heir made bile rise in her throat, causing her to swallow it down forcefully. Flashes of his abuse popped into her mind, making her wince as if he were physically touching her.

Disgusting pig.

She couldn't help but wish for the prince's death, like the queen's. It was a bleak day when they carried her casket through the village toward her final resting place. Well, a bleak day for the King and his people. Not for her.

It was too soon that the bridge appeared just past the horizon with the colors of the sunset melting over its bricks. Making a clicking noise with her tongue, she gently urged her horse forward as they flew across the moss-covered stone. She ignored the disgruntled yells of the villagers as she galloped through, unable to make herself care. They were just as disgusting as the royal family, following the king like blind sheep.

"Are we trying to kill someone?"

She smirked as she dismounted, tossing the reins into the groom's hands. "I already had my fair share of killing."

"Per the usual for you," the young man mused. "The king requested your presence in the throne room."

"I wonder what for."

"I'm sensing some sarcasm."

She blew out a breath, grabbing an apple from one of the baskets, and took a bite. She chewed for a moment, refusing to quicken her pace to reach the King. She calmly walked through the stables before entering the castle, tossing the apple into a random basket. She ignored the harsh whispers of passing maids, knowing what their eyes were on. She silently cursed out the bastard that gave her the scar on her face, making her unattractive to others. While she should be thankful it means keeping her out of the prince's bed once he's ruler, it didn't make her life any easier. She now had to deal with the harassment of other females, whispering rumors, making fun of the scar, calling her a monster.

She could almost laugh at the thought, knowing full well she is a monster. She couldn't find it within her anymore to care, despite her friend group constantly trying to support her. Her bitterness was eating away at her, causing her to feel indifferent to everyone, even her friends. Glancing into a mirror, she gently touched the healed scar, remembering the night she faced the intruder. She had left before the guards rushed to find their queen's body and slit throat, leaving no trace of her ever being there. When asked about the scar, she claimed it was from chasing a strange man on the outskirts of the village. She had seen him when she was returning from her usual rounds.

She had earned a punishment that night for not catching him, told by the king how useless she was. She almost smiled at the man and asked why he kept her around if she was so useless to him, but she didn't. Instead, she angrily spat out her own blood onto the ground. She looked him straight in the eye as the guard whipped her, wanting the king to know he no longer intimidated her.

She wanted death, she craved it. She wanted a way out of this awful world where she could be with her parents again. She could finally meet her mother and ask her the thousands of questions that she has. She could finally hug her father again, telling him she knows he wasn't killed by some rogue. That he was murdered by the King, for refusing to allow his daughter to become an assassin. Her heart ached at the thought, knowing his death was for nothing as she had become an assassin anyway.

"You wanted to see me, your highness?" She voiced with a flat tone, ensuring to keep any emotion locked away.

The king looked up from his conversation with one of his many mistresses, his beady eyes zoning in on her. She felt disgusting as he studied her for a second before dismissing the woman, his lips forming into a grin.

"Ah, my favorite warrior!"

She internally sneered at his words, tightening her clasped hands to avoid striking him. Taking a deep breath, she nodded, "I was told to meet you here."

"Yes, I have a job for you. We have a ball tomorrow in an attempt to find my daughter a mate and I need you to be her guard while in town. She expects to leave by early morning, I'm sure you'll be there?"

"Yes, your highness."

"Good. Following that, you are to stay beside my son for the remainder of the night. As you know many alphas are currently planning on rebelling against me. Until I can destroy all of those who dare cross me, I want my son to be protected tomorrow."

"With all due respect, sir, isn't the prince supposed to be able to handle himself? He's older than me."

The king nodded, "Yes, yes...but you know he's as dumb as a stable boy. He trusts far too quickly."

It was quiet for a few moments before he spoke again, "Did you take care of that pack today?"

"Yes, your highness. Alpha Aleksei will no longer be a problem."

"Good. You're dismissed."

With a quick nod, she hastily made her way from the throne room. Her body was beginning to ache from the day's torment, making the idea of a warm bath the more enticing. Slipping through the halls like a shadow, she closed the doors to her bed chamber and plucked off her soiled clothes. She almost let out a moan as the warm water surrounded her form, relaxing her tight muscles. Her thoughts began to drift to the alpha from the night she killed the queen, curious about him.

She could only assume he was the rogue alpha the king had warned them all about. A man who wanted nothing but the king's head at his feet. She can still remember the commotion when he had escaped prison only a few years prior. She was still just a new assassin, barely allowed to leave the castle until the king felt confident in her abilities. She was never able to see the alpha that night, but knew of his public punishment. Their king had a fascination of whipping his enemies to death, a barbaric practice from many kings before. Yet, somehow, this man had escaped the king's whip. From her friend's comments, she learned he was whipped exactly three times before grabbing it and ripping it out of the guard's grip. All of the girls were swooning over the man, but were reminded by their lead that he wasn't something to fawn over. He was a murderer.

She was ignorant back then, but now she would have laughed in her lead's face. They make this man out to be the worst of all villains, but in reality, they were. They slaughtered countless innocent lives because the king said so. Yet, a man kills the eldest prince to avenge his deceased wife and he's suddenly the bad guy? She couldn't wrap her mind around the idea, but alas, she still despised the bastard. Not only did he give her the dreaded scar, he had taken her pupil's life.

She gently grasped the small gemstone hanging from the string around her neck, closing her eyes as a few tears fell. The girl was brand new, unaware of the dangers of being an assassin. While she was decently new herself, this girl was only fourteen. She was a child and he killed her without hesitation. Staring down at the pink gem, she smiled to herself, knowing the girl at peace. Leaning her head back against the tub, she stared at the ceiling with only one thought on her mind.

She was going to kill this rogue alpha.

A/N: It's almost 9pm and I have to be up at 4:30am for work lol. But wanted to get the new story posted first. Let me know what you think!

Be prepared for a dark and steamy romance. ;) 

With love for my penguins,


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2023 ⏰

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