Chapter 30

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"I already filed a divorce." I exhaled deeply before looking at Maddison and Vivien.

We're here at Maddison's place as I was planning to tell them about me divorcing David. Zafiana was supposed to be here but I guess she has her own problems to deal with.

"Attorney Feliz already processed everything. And I'm just waiting for him to sign the papers." I watched their reaction, especially Vivien, I can't tell what's running on her mind right now.

"Solana, that's.. good news. But, are you even sure that David will sign the papers? I know you guys have been quite distant for over a year now, but knowing him.. I don't think he'd easily give up on your marriage." I could feel the concern on Maddison's tone, these two know me and the story about my marriage with David more than anyone else.

"I'll make sure that he signs it." I said with a firm tone.

"And what if it doesn't?" Vivien sighed. "You haven't told Khio the truth yet you're in a relationship with her already, what were you thinking?"

"I thought of it for a very long time, Vivien. I can't afford to lose her again, that's why I pushed through with the papers before I confessed to her that night. I'm planning to meet up with him so I can convince him to sign it."

"How will you be able to convince him?"

"He has been cheating too." I avoided their gaze. "As if I really care about what he does. We never loved each other anyway, so this marriage is pointless; it always has been since the beginning."

Nanahimik naman silang dalawa dahil sa isinawalat ko. It's not news to me that he's been banging countless of women outside our marriage.

I have never given him anything since we got married 3 years ago.

We were just married for the sake of his family and my Dad's agreement when we were kids. Again, for business.

"And how about your dad? Does he know about it?"

I stayed mum after she mentioned my dad. That's one of the reasons why I wasn't honest with myself for the past few weeks after Khio confessed to me.

My relationship with him isn't really the best.

Even when my mom was still alive, he prioritized my sister more than me. That's the reason when my mom died a day after my birthday.. we became strangers in each other's lives.

I have to do everything he wants me to do in hopes that someday, I can prove to him that I'm also worthy of his love and trust as well.

But now.. I'm afraid that day might not come.

I was forced into so many things, including this marriage. To him, one mistake can ruin everything that I have worked hard for. Not knowing that all my life, I've lived in someone else's shadows. So he can be happy— but that will never be enough, I will never be good enough for him.

Just like his precious business, I'm considered as his investment.

When Khio came into my life, I never thought that I'd see the day that I want to break free from the chains that he has created for me.

Every time I'm with her; I can be myself.

Not worrying that I might not be perfect enough. That I'm someone who's like a puppet dahil laging sunod-sunuran sa gusto ng ibang tao. She's the reason why I'm slowly starting to gain my own self back.

She never failed to remind me of how worthy I am, despite hiding my imperfections.

And every day, the guilt of not telling her the truth is slowly eating me.

Illicit Affair (GxG) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon