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Liu sits reading a book, able to enjoy some peace since the house is currently empty, save for himself. He hasn't exactly been here long but he's gathered that having the place to himself is going to be a rarity, deciding to make the most of it where he can.

He's just starting to get into his book when he hears the front door open, followed by muffled giggling and speaking. He can't make out what's being said, but recognizes the voices of his brother and that blond kid he hangs around with. Liu sighs, mentally preparing himself for the frustration that is any interaction with his darling little brother.

See, the only reason Liu is even here is for Jeff. he spent years of his life looking for him, and all he wants is to be part of his life again, even if it's here. If it's this life.

Jeff, however, doesn't seem to have any interest at all in even acknowledging his existence.

"I know right, I don't even think anyone's ho-" Jeff cuts himself off when he walks into the room and sees Liu. Liu doesn't look up from the book in his hands, though he's no longer reading it.

"Hey." He says in a monotone voice, still staring at the pages in front of him. He's ignored. Jeff only walks past him to the kitchen, pouring a glass of water.

"So anyway, d'ya wanna finish that episode of whatever it was we left paused upstairs?" Jeff asks Ben, earning an instant response from Liu. "fuck you too then."

Jeff ignores being snapped at in favour of looking expectantly at Ben, who is alternating annoyed glances between the two brothers.

"Ben?" Jeff asks, expecting a response to his question. The blond snaps out of his annoyed staring, smiling at Jeff and holding out a hand.

"Hey, come here a sec?"

"uh, what is it?" Jeff hesitantly moves over to the other boy, Ben taking his wrist in his hand and smiling at him for a moment before suddenly, and with more speed and accuracy than you would expect from someone like him, Ben locks something around Jeff's wrist whilst in the same movement yanking Liu by the arm and fixing something firmly around his wrist as well.

Before even the instincts of the skilled killer could react, Jeff and the now standing and confused Liu were handcuffed together.

The two stare dumbfounded at their hands for a moment before the silence is broken. "Ben.." Jeff starts in the least threatening tone he could muster (which happened to be a dark growl) "This isn't funny. Take. These. Off."

"Sorry, Jeffy. Afraid I'm tired of this nonsense. You two can't go on like this forever."


"I'll unlock you when you and your brother are on speaking terms." Ben drops the smile as he says this, backing up slowly and heading to the door.

Jeff attempts to run after Ben, who is out of the front door and off into the woods in about 2 seconds, but is stopped by pulling against the dead weight of the person he's chained to. The person he's been doing his damn best the past few months to avoid. He yanks violently at the handcuffs, pulling Liu's arm hard.

"Calm down." Liu says in an 'attempting to be calm' voice, pulling his arm back.

Jeff says nothing in response, only pulling again as if trying to pull his brother's hand off.

"Quit it, Jeff! You're not accomplishing anything!" the older boy snaps, grabbing Jeff by the arm.

"GET THE FUCK OFF ME!" Jeff screeches, kicking Liu hard in the stomach, causing him to fall to the ground, of course taking Jeff with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2023 ⏰

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forced to get along (platonic Jeff/Liu, some Jeff x Ben)Where stories live. Discover now