Day 1

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"Behind you!" "Someone is trying to flank us!" "GET ON THE POINT!"

"Adrian, Dinners ready!"

"I'll be down in a minute mom!"

"Guys! Guys! Get it together!" The announcer on the game began to count down. 3...2...1! My teammates were screaming over their microphones as I stared at the bright gold letters flashing across the screen: VICTORY! It was the last game of the pre-qualifying gaming tournament in our city and we had managed to snag first place.

"This is going to be the coolest weekend!" MrSnotTooth said.

"Make sure everyone brings their systems so we can practice in our down time." LordPain instructed.

I had been randomly dropped into a team with an open spot. I didn't know any of them personally but I did know that one of them went to my high school. His user name was KH0727.

My heart was in my throat and my hands were shaking, "See you guys next week." I left this party and set my headset on my desk. I turned off my computer monitor and took a deep breath. I honestly didn't think I would get this far and the reality of my situation began to sink in. I had to meet new people. All of which were guys. I don't usually use my microphone when I play online games and when I do I use a voice changer because not everyone treats female gamers nicely. I was about to get thrown into a completely new environment and I was terrified.

Over the next week I debated on just not going but my best friend Kenna convinced me otherwise. She told me it wouldn't be fair to the other guys who worked so hard to get here. My brother did all he could to hype me up. He subscribed to the YouTube channel that would be live streaming the tournament and told all his friends who agreed to cheer me on.

Friday my mother and I traveled three hours to the hotel we'd be competing in. It was a three day event. The first day was mostly for us to get to know our teammates better. The itinerary was small the first day with only orientation and a dinner/mixer. The second day was back to back matches with a break for lunch and the last day was the final matches.

After a 20 minute wait in line, the tired looking lady handing out name tags asked for my name. "Adrian Hems," I said softly. She rifled through some papers before handing me on and a lanyard with a name tag.

"Your team is on the third floor. Orientation is at 5. Have a great time and good luck," there was no enthusiasm in her voice and my stomach turned. I wanted to turn and run but I felt my mom's hand rest gently on my back and wearily walked to the elevator.

Our room was quite large. Two beds, a large tv, and a jacuzzi in the bathroom. "Wow," my mother said softly. She jumped on the bed and buried her face into the pillow. "I'm going to nap for a little," her muffled voice said.

When I heard soft snores I snuck out to the balcony and slid the door shut quietly behind me. I lit a cigarette and stared out into the parking lot. Not much of a view. I thought to myself. I looked through the glass and my mother was still asleep. She'd kill me if she knew what I was doing. The thought of meeting a bunch of new people made me physically ill and the cigarettes helped keep down the bile. I had two hours until orientation and all I could think to do was sit here and watch the minutes tick by.

Eventually it was time to leave, parents weren't allowed into the conference room but my mom walked me to the doors. She gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before disappearing into the sea of people.

With my hands clenched I tried to find my table. Sweat continually kept forming on my upper lip and the sleeve of my hoodie was beginning to look noticeably wet. Eventually I found my name card and I sat. There was a sign in the center that read "Burning Flame", the name one of the other guys had chosen for our team.

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