Sixth Chapter

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The Next Day




            Sound can you come to the club room right now

Sure I'll be there in a minute


Ok see you at the club room

Ok see you

At The Club Room

"Why do you want to meet me, did you miss me" Said Sound while smiling "I want to talk to you about something" I said . Sound smile drop when he saw my serious face

"What is it you wanna talk about? " Ask Sound "It's something important that I was not brave enough to tell you but I finally have the courage to tell you" I said "But let me finish talking first then you can speak, ok" Sound just nod and I started talking

"I've been feeling insecure and upset these day, and the reason is because I saw a lot of post of you and other people getting ship together and I'm also confused why does you fans always asking me to pass their gift to you when there other chinzilla member they can ask not just me. At first, I have thought that I should break up with you and let you find someone else better then me but then I ask Gun for some advice before I made the decision and he told me to talk to you and tell you how I feel these days, so here I am telling you how I felt" I confess.

"You can speak now" I said with a worried face . "First of all I'm sorry for letting you feel this and making you over thinking about everything. But I promise you you're the one and only one that I love, i've been thinking about revealing our relationship to the public so you don't have to worry any more and telling my fans to not disturb any Chinzilla member and give their gift on their own" Sound explains and smile at me

"So what do you think? " Ask Sound and I just nod with a smile and he pull me into a hug, after a long silence Sound break the hug and look at me and said "Should I do it right now? " Ask Sound "if you want to" I said with a smile.

Few days later

Third person POV

Sound open his Twitter with Win beside him they had a pretty tiring day because they went hiking together. Sound is checking his post about a hiking date on his Twitter a lot people support them but some are also sad because they don't have a chance with neither of them and they both laugh about it

Win been getting a lot better and always tell Sound if he felt sad, insecure or upset with anything which make Sound feel a bit less worried about him

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