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"Has anyone seen my notebook?" I yelled down the stairs. 'Why does this always happen to me' I think as I search in my desk for the umpteenth time, 'This is the third notebook that's gone missing this month.' I stop searching and grab my jacket from the bed where I threw it and head down the stairs.

"Alex, have you lost another one?" My mom asked as she was getting ready to head to her first job. She works days as a cashier at the local grocery store and nights as a theater attendant.

"No, I haven't lost another one. I put it on my desk last night and its not there. Did Tobey take it?" I ask knowing the answer.

"You know your brother is staying with his friend this weekend. He hasn't been home since he grabbed his stuff. Now, I'll try to get another notebook for you but I'm running late. I'll see you after work, okay?" She said as she walked towards the door.

"Thanks, bye." I say as I walk into the kitchen. "I hope there's something in here..."



"I'm coming! I'm coming!" I yell as I shut my front door. My friend Maxy and I had plans to go see a matinee at the theater.

"Hey! You will not believe what happened on Friday!" She said as I hopped into her car.



"Ducks took over the school and ate the math teacher?"

"No. And what's it with you and ducks?"

"It's from a book. You wouldn't understand."

"Anyway... Kevin and Gerald got in a fight! They got suspended!"

"I always miss the best days!" I groan.

"Yup. And speaking of math, we had three pages of it." She said as she pulled into main street. "Sweet! a spot!"

She parked and we headed into the theater. Compared to other theaters around, this place was cheap. We got lucky, for the movie we picked had very few people.

The theater was decorated for a previous 'midnight premiere' and I wished I had my note book or camera with me.

"Alex? Alex? Alexandriana? Earth to Al?"

"Wait. ?" I say tuning back into reality.

"Do you want butter on your popcorn?"

"Yes, please."


"That was great!" I say as we leave the theater.

"Are you kidding? It was terrifying!" Maxy said as I grabbed a mint from the theater attendant.

Mobs of people swarmed outside the theater, waiting for rides or other people to exit. The day had grown colder and it had started to snow.

"I hate snow." Maxy said as she fumbled in her bag for her keys, her blonde hair falling in front of her almost black eyes. "Ah hah! let's get out of this stuff." She started to head to her car.

As I start to head across the street I catch something out of the corner of my eye.

"Hang on a second.... I think I saw something..." I say to Maxy as I wonder off. I look around and see what caught my eye. It was my notebook. A tall guy in a black leather jacket with blonde hair and green eyes had it. 'How did he end up with it' I wondered.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2013 ⏰

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