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After my tantrum I came back  downstairs with the hoodie , Greg took my hand and helped me downstairs I hugged him tightly as he talked to his brother, I know I was being a bit dramatic but how would you feel if your crush of 8 years gets a girlfriend when you have been there the whole fucking time .

I couldn't even look him in the eye until his gf came up to me "hi I'm Jessi and you are"she said in a very rude tone I rolled my eyes and put on a smile " I'm Y/N L/N pleased to Meet you jessi"she scoffed a bit but Ignored it "how do u now my dricky poo?" I'm sorry wtf is a dricky poo"um I was friends with him in highschool"she looked me up and down "he didn't tell me he was friends with some shabby girl" I balled up fist so tight they were turning purple "excuse me preppy?"she sighed hard"i said I didn't now dricky had shabby girls like you as friends " I couldn't help it I pounced at her and started punching and ripping her hair out she scratched me and scratched my eye really bad but I didn't stop even when my eyes started to bleed and drip onto her face all I could see was red I didn't stop till Greg pulled me off her ,I look down and a tooth was missing she had balled patches and her face was bloody but it wasn't her blood it wasn't till then the pain in my eye hit the blood was all over her and on my face Greg was panicking trying to get me into a car I was crying a bit bc it hurt so much but it was also good bc rodrick was worried too he git in the car to and held a cloth to my eye with his gf in the backseat/trunk part of Greg's car

334 words
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