::Day One Of Tour::

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Priscilla P.O.V

Yeeee ! Today is the first day of tour. 2 Years ago when me and my girls were 15 we became famous. We still are and we are finally going on our first tour today.We look the same, nothing changed at all ! I just got finish texting my boo Princeton. Yup, we date. Lorielle date Ray, Beonca date Prod and Marie dates Roc. I just got finish packing my last bag and my little brother bust threw my room.

Me: Get out now !

I yelled as I had my bags in my hands and he stuck out his tongue.Ugh, I have 2 brothers and 1 sister. My brother Mehki and he is 6 years old. My brother Jayceon who is 18 years old. Then, I have my baby sister Azeana who is 1 years old. I love them so much, but I swear they get on my nerves !

Mehki: Nope !

Me: Ki get out now you little dirt ball !

Mehki: I'm telling mom you called me a dirt ball ! Sticking Tongue Out

Me: Atleast I didn't lie ! Sticking Tongue Out

I chuckled and rolled my eyes. He is a mess, he thinks I'm really going to get in trouble. I'm 17 years old now. Boy please-

Nicki: Priscilla come here !

My mom yelled from downstairs, shit ! I ran downstairs and we all begun to argue.

 Marie P.O.V

I was eating a goodbye dinner with my mom and dad when my mom started going off on me. I feel bad I have to leave Puerto Rico with this anger towards her but, she started this all. I hate her !

Rihanna: Marie, do you hear me talking to you ?

Marie: Yes mami, I hear you . Rolling Eyes

Rihanna: Roll your eyes one more time and ima snatch them out. Do you understand ?!

Marie: No I don't, but I'm pretty sure your going to tell me ! You've been dogging me out ever since I was offered the famous life. Your so bitter you probably jealous of me because, I'm the new shit and your not. I thought mothers were suppose to support but, your just being a plain bitch !

I said stomring up from the table. My brother Darren mouth fell open. I only have one sibiling and that's him, he is 17 years old. He is 2 minutes older than me...my twin !

Chris: What the hell Marie, apolo-

Rihanna: Nahh, she ain't gotta do that. I'm just gonna choke her to death !

My mother said as she started towards me, I turned around waiting for her. My brother rushed up and held me back as my dad held my mother back.

Rihanna: Look at you. Your disrespectful and rude because, of that damn money and fame. Your the one who has lost their mind. I could call Keisha right now and cut it all off for you missy. You don't deserve anything coming your way. You are an ungrateful brat-

Chris: Rihanna baby-

Me:No-No daddy. Let her finish ! Let the witch finsih. You've controlled and ruined my lfie long enough. I'm finally spending the whole summer away from a bitch like you and when I do get back. I pray to god your stuck up ass is on tour.....I hate you Rihanna !!

I cried running up to my room. My mother blood boiled and her faced reden. My dad held her tighter as she went crazy and my brother went up to my room behind me. He slammed my door which startled me.

Darren: You crazy for talking to mom and dad like that Marie ?!

Me: Did you even hear what she said to me ?!

I yelled back as I got my packed bags for tour, out the closet.

Darren: I did, but that's your mother. You brush it off and move on. Show somebody some respect Marie !

I flopped down on my bed and put my hands in my bed. Maybe it is my fault, because I blew off back their ? I sighed and kicked my bag, my brother walked over. He sat down beisde me and pulled me to him. I laid my head on his shoulder as a tear escaped my eye.

Darren: Go live your dream and make us proud. I will hold down the house, make sure everything is fine. I'm supporting you 24/7 no matter what. Marie Brown, I love you little sis.

I let a few more tears escape and then I pulled my brother into a huge hug. I cried into his sweater, I soon pulled away and wiped my eyes clearing the smeered make-up. I sighed and forced a smile.

Me: Your right, I'm going to do this for me AND YOU ! Mwuah, bye bro bro !

I said kissing his cheeks and picking up my bags. I headed for the window and turned to my brother. WOW, this was going to be the very first time being seperated from my twin </3 !

Me: Tell dad I love him and tell mom....wish me luck.

My brother nodded, I smiled and left out. I'm gone out this mofo, bye Puerto Rico. I have to catch a plane all the way to L.A. Great ! By myself.....mhmm-kay !

Lorielle P.O.V

My mother wanted to take a million of photos before we left. Goodness gracious ! My mom planted million of kisses on my forhead and cheeks. My dad told me watch out for these boys and keep my legs closed.Thanks a lot dad, just put it like that ! I grabbed my bags and my oldest sister Gwendlin who is 19 years old, helped me pack my bags into the trunk of my Lamborghini. Me and the girls each had one in our favorite colors, mine was purple and black. Prissy's was green and black, Money's was Black and Blue and Beonca's is red and black. I was driving to the airport, I had to catch a plane all the way to L.A where the tour will begin. Lets go !

Beonca P.O.V

My mom was puttng my baby sister Jazmyn to sleep. While, my dad fed the other twin Yazmyn. I walked in the kitchen where my dad was after saying bye to my mom.

Me: Hey daddy...

Dad:Hey baby girl..

Me: I love you and I'm leaving.

Dad:Mhmm-Kay, bye ...

He said not even paying me any attention. I sighed and grabbed my bags, I looked at the busy family and shook my head. Bullcrap ! I walked out the house and got in my car, I blasted my music and loud. I sped off and to the airport. Ready to see the bae and for tour to start !

(This Is What Marie Honey Brown look like to the right --->)

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