Screams, Tears And Panic

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When Percy had been running away from Eliot's house he started to walk to his own home, he wanted to be left alone but he knew that Bill and the twins had probably told his whole family what had happened to him, and they would act like they cared.

His parent's had always neglected him, always been so proud of his older brother's achievement and always so loving and caring with his younger siblings. But when it came to him, all he got was a pat on the back and only got attention on his birthday.

His mental health had always been bad, even as a little boy, he can't remember a time when he was truly happy before he met his friends, they understood him like no other and he understood them. But others would still say that they weren't good for each other, they might understand earth other's depression and trauma but the way they all decided to try to cope with it was by self harm in all sorts of ways. They all smoked daily and drank alcohol often, recently they had been getting their hands on different types of drugs, but Percy and his friend Louis who had been cutting had stopped after years of doing it thanks to their friends.

Percy picked up a cigarette packet he stole from Eliot before he jumped out the window and took one out and lit it, he decided that since they all probably know about everything he didn't need to pretend to be 'Mr Perfect' so he decided to put in his piercings and dress in the clothes he actually liked and not his brothers hand-me-downs, and also starts to act the way he does with friends and other people that didn't know his family. It wasn't any point to hide his real personality from them anymore.

Before he climbed thru his window he put the cigarette downs in his little bowl with ash and old cigarettes and opened his closet, in the bottom he had a small suitcase where he had ripped jeans, skinny jeans, some skirts, fishnets, gloves, oversized hoodies and T-shirts with different bands and prints on them, and shoes. He decided to change pants and shoes but kept Eliot's hoodie, he put on his black skinny jeans and his favorite boots, they were black and had a lot of chains around them. Louis had bought them for his birthday. He walked to his desk and opened one of his jewelry boxes and picked up a chain and hung it on the side of his jeans. Then he opened another smaller one and picked up a mirror, he put in his black snakebites rings and jewelry all of his ear. He had a lot since they were easy to hide during the healing process and his snakebites were a risk he took during a summer, he had been worried his family would find out but they didn't. He walked to his big mirror and looked at himself, his carrot locks were soon going to hang over his eyes if he didn't cut it soon, but he had no plans to cut it since his Molly always cut it way to shorts and she wont let him go to a hairdresser.

When he was completely done with looking at himself to make sure he looked okay he started to walk down the stairs, he heard his parents talking to Bill about what he had been writing in his diary, Molly was even crying. He could hear his other siblings were down there too, but when they heard him they all went quiet. As soon as he reached the living room Molly ran up to him and hugged him and cried, he didn't feel like hugging back and after five seconds he started to push her away lightly, but of course she didn't listen and just kept on hugging him.

-Get off!' He said and pushed her a little harder, this time she listened and pulled away and took a step back.

-Show me your wrist's Percy' She said and went to grab his arm but he put his hands in the pocket of the hoodie and just said 'no'. His mom opened her eyes wide and opened her mouth, he never said no to her, but she couldn't even really think about it before she finally noticed his piercings.

-What have you done to your face!?'

-Put jewelry in my lip and ears' His voice was cold and his face was blank, he knew Molly hated piercings, she thought that only girls should have one earring in each ear, not more. She was going to speak again when Arthur stood up and started to speak.

-I think there is something that is more important right now honey' His voice was calm and he tried to get his wife and son to come sit with the rest of the Weasley's, Molly went to him but Percy didn't feel like sitting down, he wanted to have a distant between them so he would be able to go if he wanted to.

-Percy, Bill told us about what has happened and about how you feel' Arthur started, his voice still calm.

-We all have talked a lot and we want you to know that we are extremely sorry for how we have treated you, and if you want to talk about anything you can do that' Molly finished, everyone of his siblings nodded along with sad looks on their faces, Ginny even begin to stand up to give him a hug but she didn't got to give him one before he responded.

-Pass' He turned around and pulled out his light pink flipphone and started to look for his friend Jacob's name to call him, he didn't want to be here anymore and he knew he still had some vodka left from a few days ago's party.

-Wait! You can't just walk away when we are trying to help you!' Charlie stood up from where he was sitting, Bill was trying to calm him down.

-I don't want help from you'

-Why not?' Molly spoke again.

-Because I'm going to a friends house'

-No you're not, we need to talk about this' Bill said, who managed to get Charlie to sit down again.

-I don't have to talk to you, I have my friends for that'

-Since when did you become such a brat?' Ron walked up in front of him so he couldn't leave, Percy just walked past him and put the fliphone to his ear. Ron took it from him and ran back to the living room.

-Give that back!' Percy ran after him, but as soon as he took a step inside the room Charlie grabbed his arm so he couldn't leave again, Percy let out a yelp because of the scars started to hurt when he did that.

-Let go of me, you're hurting me!' Percy screamed at Charlie trying to pull his arm back letting out a loud cry from the scars, they might be old but they still hurt a lot.

-No, you will stay and we will talk about this!' Molly screamed now.

-Can we stop screaming!' Ginny screamed but Percy ignored her.

-Let me go!' He screamed again pulling and even started to hit Charlie but he just grabbed his other arm, that only made it worse. He started to panic more and more, he got flashbacks from trying to fight off professor Smith. He started to scream with tears running down his cheeks and started to pull his entire body to get away from Charlie.

Soon everyone was trying to get Charlie off Percy, screaming at him that this won't help. Percy was now sobbing and screaming still having a lot of bad flashback's, his pulse was high and he was back to the dark empty classroom with a 40 year old man holding him down, screaming out of pain.

Then out of nowhere there was a loud bang on the front door, Fred and George looked outside and saw police cars.

-The police are outside!' They ran to the door with tears in their eyes. As soon as the door opened the officers ran to where the screaming was coming from and yelled at the older brother to let the younger one go, Charlie listened and let him go.

Percy tried to run out but the doorway was blocked by the police. He panicked and looked around for a place to hide before he ran to the corner of the room and collapsed, still screaming out of fear. Ron passed Percy his phone, when he had called Jacob he had answered and heard the screams and called the police.

-What is going on here!' One of the officers asked, but no one had a chance to answer before Percy picked up his mobile and ran to the window, opened it, jumped out and ran away from the house to get to Jacob's house.

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