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Jungkook noticed the way Yoongi seemed a little off that morning. He'd noticed the way his body stiffened when he hugged the older from behind or when he pecked his lips before the older left for work. He didn't really think much of it at first but when the older's strange behaviour towards him didn't change as the days passed, Jungkook decided it was time to confront his boyfriend about it.

"You're behaving like a stranger. What's with your behaviour?"

"What do you mean?" Yoongi asked, not looking up from his computer as though unbothered by the question, although his hand that gripped the mouse a little tighter told a different tale.

"You've been distant. Not really distant. But you're more... I don't know. Like you're here but at the same time, you're not. You're not really into nicknames like 'babe' or 'baby' but these days it's the only-" Jungkook trailed off suddenly as he remembered the curse.

If one cheats, then they shall forget the name of their lover.

"Say my name," Jungkook blurted.


The older met Jungkook's eyes.

"Say my name," Jungkook repeated.

"Are you serious right now?" Yoongi asked, eyes narrowing.

"If you love me, let me hear you."

"You're being ridiculous, babe."

"Say my name, Yoongi."

"I feel like you don't trust me. Do you literally think I would cheat on you?" growled the older.

"Say my name. I am dying to believe you," Jungkook shouted, tears welling up in his eyes as his heart pounded against his ribcage.

"How can you not trust me? I feel so hurt right now," Yoongi said and turned away from the younger.

"I feel you breaking my heart! Just fucking say my name," Jungkook half-yelled, half-sobbed.

A pause.

Yoongi's shoulders slumped.

Then came a broken whisper.

"I'm sorry. I-I don't remember."

And Jungkook's whole world fell apart.

The end
8 March, 2023

Say my name // Yoonkook [✓]Where stories live. Discover now