6. Easy-Peasy, Lemon-Squeezy!

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Edna parked the black Toyota Camry opposite the bus station. I sat in the passenger's seat in a pink dress and pink shoes. My hands were sweating ostensibly wetting the piece of paper I was holding. In the back seat was a small bag that contained a few clothes, one pair of shoes, and products of feminine necessity.

She turned her body toward me though her hands were still on the steering wheel. "Hey, don't blow this up. Get the info and report back to me, but be smart about it. If you ever get caught, don't mention any names... You hear me?" I nod my head. "Good. Now take this." She hands me a small burner phone. "For infos only. Don't call, just text. And hide it well."

"Okay," I picked up the bag from the backseat, stepped out of the car, and walked across the street to the bus station. A cab stopped right in front of me. I entered the cab, acting as casually as possible. The driver is a member of the gang, he nodded his head as a hello, before concentrating on the wheels and driving me to my destination: Malba.

My mission is to infiltrate la casa de Beltran, a well-known family that owns a big construction company here in the United States with branches all over the world. But only a few know of their secret involvement with the cartel. King has been trying to be a part of the Beltrans for years but to no avail. Now, he wants to steal from them instead. It is scary, but I braced myself. What's the worse than can happen? They find me out and kill me? Well, my pack tried to eat me, so I'm pretty sure that I've gotten over any phobia of dying.

The taxi came to a halt in a fancy-looking neighborhood... I got out, shut the door, swung the bag over my shoulder, and walked down the street until I reached a tall black gate. I compared the address to the one written on the piece of paper in my hand. Once I had confirmed the address, I pressed the button beside the gate. After a few seconds, I heard a buzz. The gate opened and I walked in.

Leading to the porch are millions of white stones on the ground that make a crunching sound under my feet, but that wasn't enough to distract me from the picturesque view before me. Behind two big oak trees and a colorful garden is an off-white colored mansion. Butterflies in the garden hopped from one flower to the next and squirrels ran up and down the trees. An angel fountain stood tall in front of the house, splashing water in a timely fashion.

A man in a black suit and a strict appearance approached me. "You are?"

"Lana. I am here for an interview with the lady of the house, Mrs. Sofia Beltran."

He accessed me and started to make a phone call. He spoke in Spanish to the person on the other end of the line. Then he turned to me. "Go in"

"Thank you sir" I entered the house, and a maid in her forties-ish led me to my seat.

"The lady will be with you shortly." As soon as she finished her sentence, an old woman walked down the stairs with the aid of a much younger maid. The old woman had on a straight purple gown and a pair of black sandals. Her grey hair was tied up in a bun, and her green eyes accessed me closely. You could tell that she was quite a beauty back in her prime.

She took a seat next to me, way too close for comfort. I moved a little.

"When people avoid me, it is mostly because they have something to hide. Do you have something to hide, Lana?"

"No ma'am" I sat upright, with my upper body facing her.

"Where are you from?"


"You speak Spanish?"

"No, ma'am"

"You need to learn."

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