Hide And Seek

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"Rachel..?" I hear a voice trail off in the distance.

I pull my knees up to my chest tightly, wrapping my arms around my knees. I watch through the crack from the closet door, biting my bottom lip to compress my heavy breathing. I didn't want him to hear me. His footsteps thudded down hard with each step he took. I saw him walking to the door, then stopping right in front of it. I held my breath after taking in a real sharp breath. After a few seconds, he kept on walking. I let out a big sigh and covered my mouth. His footsteps stopped and a squeal came out of my body. The door swung open to reveal Matt.

"Gotcha!" He yells at me. I scream loudly.

"Hey!" He yells again, putting his hands over his ears.

I stop screaming and he had a look of confusion written on his face.

"You scared me!" I tell Matt.

The corners of his mouth curve upward into a grin.

"Did I?" Matt asks me, turning his head slightly to the right.

I nod, getting up.

"Did you find Zacky?" I choke out.

"I didn't find anyone except you!" He chuckles.

We both hear a cough near the curtains and Matt looks there quickly, tiptoeing there. But his shoes still were loud. Matt yanked back the curtain to reveal Johnny.

"Fuck." Johnny mutters, stepping forward.

"Bad hiding place." I joke and he sticks his tongue out.

I see Matt start walking to the closet and slam his fist on it as hard as he could. A yelp came from the door.

"Not fair!" Zacky's voice echoed from the closet.

Matt opened it to reveal Zacky. He was clutching onto a sweater and his face was pale.

"Scared you that bad, did I?" Matt asks, snickering.

"No!" Zacky yells, getting paler.

"Watch this." I whisper to the guys.

"RED ROBINS!" I yell very loudly.

"YUM!" I hear from the kitchen followed by "shit."

Matt runs over to the kitchen, sliding onto the floor and looking behind the counter. Brian stands up with a guilty smirk.

"Got me." He snickers.

Jimmy walks down the stairs, looking at us.

"You guys were taking too long." He says.

"You weren't allowed to hide up stairs!" Johnny argues, putting his hands on his hips.

That makes us all laugh a bit. He's so small but he carries so much sass.

Jimmy grabs Johnny in his arms, tickling him and laughing.

"What did you say shortshit?" Jimmy asks.

Johnny's face was incredibly red.

"N-Nothing!" He sputters, trying to breathe until Jimmy finally stops.

"Hey, forget about me?" I hear Shane's voice.

I turn around to see his brown hair tussled. He looked kinda sad.

"We were just going to find you." Brian says, but we all know that wasn't true.

"Mhm." Shane mutters, walking to the living room.

I sigh rather loudly, getting condescending looks from the boys.

"What?" I ask them, trying not to cry.

"You okay love?" Zacky asks, but that makes me push my bottom lip out.

Before any tears could escape, I run upstairs to my room.

Shane is my boyfriend. Or at least I think he is. We've been fighting a lot lately, but he doesn't listen well.

I live with Jimmy, Brian, Johnny, Matt, Zacky, and Shane.

You probably wonder why I live with 6 guys.

They took me in from a broken home.

So this is what I call family.

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