The Undercroft

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"It really is just like what happened in Gringotts," Clora remarked as they stepped through the archway, steadying herself as it led them down a set of spiral steps.

"This is what you saw?" Sebastian echoed in disbelief, catching up to her after he'd stood to take in the sudden new sights. "You said a Portkey took you to Gringotts and into an ancient vault, not...whatever this is."

"Yes. Well. This would have been a fair bit harder to explain, as you can see," she breathed a laugh of disbelief in response. "Which is why I'm glad I can show you, instead."

"Didn't you say Fig told you not to tell anyone?" he stopped to turn and give her a look once they reached the bottom of the winding stairs. "I'd say this goes far beyond telling."

"I suppose...technically I'm showing, not telling?" Clora tried with a shrug and a lame smile, earning a laugh and a shake of the head from Sebastian. "Either way, I'm confident the Professor will understand. But enough about that,"

Clora turned then to the door they'd stopped in front of, giving it a once-over. "I wonder where this leads...If it's anything like Gringotts—and so far, it is—then that means there will be enemies ahead. Are you prepared?"

"Prepared? For a duel? I'm hurt you'd even have to ask." Sebastian replied assuredly. "The same couldn't be said for you, though."

"What?" Clora turned away from the door and to him fully then, slightly offended, before she noticed his eyes were on the robes she still wore—his robes, to be precise.

"Unless, of course, you think you can point your wand when you can't even find your hands, I'd say it's best you take those off," he teased as he once again looked over Clora's appearance in the oversized garment, which was already in the process of being shucked off. "Something tells me Scribner won't be finding us here, anyway."

"I honestly wouldn't put it past her," she countered, smoothing out her clothing as Sebastian re-donned his Slytherin robes, and Clora realized that whatever scent was on his attire was now present on her own.

Sebastian, too, noticed Clora's now-familiar scent suddenly on him. It was inescapable, seeing as how it was quite literally encompassing his whole body due to it being on his robes, but it was distracting him in ways he didn't realize just a simple smell could.

"Let's go."

Sebastian refocused at her words, needing no further urging as Clora pushed the large doors open, falling back to allow her to lead as they stepped into a room where the floor abruptly came to an end, and the exit to the next room was far beyond their reach.

"Puzzles?" Sebastian lamented aloud, dropping the hand that held his wand back to his side. "Where is this supposed danger I was promised?"

Clora ignored him, figuring out the 'puzzle' quickly by shooting the platform above, which made a bridge of stairs appear and led them to the next room, where Sebastian got his wish.

Two armored sentries stood on either side of the next door they'd need to go through, while two more stood on each wall across from the other. And as soon as the two students stepped foot into the room they'd sprung to life, walking and jumping towards them with their maces and axes at the ready.

"Well, that's more like it," Sebastian called out over the sound of magic colliding with their armor as pieces blew off in chunks, and Clora was once again reminded that she really ought to ask him what that fire spell he was using was.

"Glad to see this is fun for you!" she yelled back over the commotion, her sarcasm not quite as effective due to the exhilaration in her own voice as well.

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