Hashtag: pranked

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*Hashtag was watching prank videos until she got an idea*

Nightshade: hey Hashtag, have you seen my wrench? I remember I put it in my toolbox.

Hashtag: oh, I've seen you put in in the drawer. *grins*

Nightshade: *walks over to the drawer and looks back at Hashtag* are you sure? Because I- *finds the wrench and looks at their servo*

Hashtag: *laughing*

Nightshade: really sister? *servo covered in glue and glitter* Hashtag.

Hashtag: oh scrap- *runs*

Nightshade: *running after her with a servo full of glitter*



Dot: ok who of you put googly eyes on all my birds?

Hashtag: *looks away and whistles*

Dot: Hashtag?

Hashtag: nuuoopeee, that wasn't me! I think I just heard bumblebee call us, gotta go *drives like hell outta there*


Twitch: Thrash, Jawbreaker, it's time for-

Thrash and Jawbreaker: ...

Twitch: uhh.. you look a little..... pink-

Thrash and Jawbreaker: we know

Twitch: who-

Hashtag: *wheezing*

*a little later*

Thrash: I can't get this paint out of my gears

Bumblebee: *walks in* ok Maltobots, time for some exercise

Everyone: *giggling*

Bumblebee: what's so funny?

Nightshade: *gives bee a mirror*

Bumblebee: ok who drew whiskers on my face? And dressed me up in a cat maid outfit?

Hashtag: *snaps a picture*

Everyone: *looks at Hashtag*

Hashtag: O^O

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