High School and Practice

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    They were so similar, though they would never admit it. Ever since she adopted the youngest of her boys she has noticed the parallels. They are both insanely intelligent. They would prefer to stay in than to go out, but at the same time they are athletic. The only time they somewhat get along is when they are in the yard with her volleyball. Even then it's just a basic tolerance.

    She adopted her youngest almost a year ago. Her oldest wasn't exactly happy to have someone else in the house, but he allowed it. He only allowed it for one reason though. His father had told him why the kid needed a new family. After that Katsuki, the oldest, decided that even though he didn't like him he would treat Kei like an actual brother. He hates having him around but he is his brother.

    Now just because Kei lives with him that doesn't mean they go to the same school or know what the fuck is going on outside of the house. They each have their own lives.

    Most of Katsuki's time spent out of the house is spent at a certain store where his best friend works if he isn't at school. Sometimes the store owner pays him to work in his garden or throw out rowdy customers.

    If Kei isn't home, Mitsuki knows he is either at school, the movies, or a music store. Every once in a while he will leave after checking his phone, leading her to believe he has a friend that he occasionally visits.

     However, whenever they are home, they are either both in their rooms or outside practicing with her old volleyball. Aside from the occasional arguments, attitudes, and the constant need to prove they are better than each other, Mitsuki would say that these boys are easy to take care of. Little did she know that they were about to become the biggest rivals.


    The first two weeks of highschool was eventful. Both of them had scored high enough in their entrance exams to get placed in top classes. Both had joined their schools' volleyball teams. Both had a member or two they despised. And both... both already had practice matches lined up for them.

    It was easy to believe that Katsuki's school had one already. They were Yuei, a powerhouse school. It's easy to find teams that wanna practice against them, either for fun or to see how they measure up against them.

    However, Kei's was a different story. He went to Karasuno. At one point it had been a powerhouse. Everyone in Japan had their eyes on it. Now though, now it was seen as any other school. They don't even have a coach, yet a school like Aoba Johsai decided to take on a practice match.

     "They just want to play against that bastard Kageyama." Kei said, stabbing his fried potatoes. "Rumor has it that the majority of the kings old teammates from Kitigawa First is at Sehjo, and they want to see how greatly his royal highness is dictating us."

     Katsuki rolled his eyes at those comments. He understood why Kei was pissed off, he would be too if he were in that position. However he also believed he should just be grateful that Aoba Johsai wanted to play his school in the first place. Not only was it a match, but it's also a chance to see how well they play together as a team.

    "Instead of whining about why they are playing you guys, you should use it as a chance to find out what your team needs to work on." Katsuki said.

    "Kat is right Kei. This is an opportunity for growth, one that doesn't come for Karasuno much anymore." Mitsuki said.

    Kei doesn't say anything in response. He knows they are right, but it's so frustrating. All the attention their team is getting is because of the king of the court. Katsuki doesn't have to worry about his school's recognition. He doesn't have to worry about how winning or losing this practice match would effect them. If they win, it's just another tally on the table. If they lose, well Yuei is infamous for hitting back twice as hard.

    Mitsuki knows that her son is going to remain angry at this Kageyama kid. Whether he is hers biologically or not, he is a part of her family. Their family is known for grudges and their temper. Even her husband has been known to blow a gasket or two. There wasn't much she could say to help this situation.

    "How about this weekend we go to the gym so you both can get a little more practice for your matches?" Masaru offers.

    The boys both agree, trying to sound like they don't really like the idea. Volleyball was one of the only things the boys seemed to agree with. Both loved it more than most things. Kei because it connects him with his departed brother, and Katsuki because it's something he can prove he's great at.


    The gym they went to had the court split in two. One half for basketball and the other had a net up for volleyball. There were a few on both sides. Kei and Katsuki make their way over to the volleyball side and the others immediately recommend a three on three since they now had enough.

    Mitsuki and Masaru sat to the side to watch their kids. It comes to no surprise the the two end up on the same team since they showed together. The two call a temporary truce silently and get in position.

    Their practice begins with the other team serving. This was perfect where Katsuki was concerned. In most areas of his life he prefers being on the offensive, but defense was the best to start with in volleyball in his opinion. All of his coaches have always start him in the back, one rotation to the front. Retrieving the first ball has become a favorite for him. Games where the ball doesn't come to him, those are when he is far more aggressive. He crushes the other team with pure force. When they do come to him though, his mind is more cool and calculating. Either way, he is started in the back.

    "And it's up." Bakugou says to himself when he retrieves it. It heads straight to their team mate, then Kei sends it straight to the floor on the other side of the net. "Perfect!" He boasts.

    "Good job boys. Keep it up!" Masaru calls out.

     And they did. Their opponents didn't stand a chance as far as the two brothers were concerned. The random guy they were playing with was determined to pull his weight as well. This practice is just what they all needed.

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