Practice Matches

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    Both boys won their respective practice matches. To celebrate Mitsuki took them out to eat. They both tell her about their matches while they eat. They don't give many details for two reasons. One, being in the same district they may have to play each other. Two, basically number one but with the added bonus of paranoia that the other will dish all information to their team. Kei wasn't exactly that into volleyball, but he wouldn't do that to his team.

Several days later

    "Hey Kaachan!"

    Katsuki rolls his eyes when he hears the annoying nickname upon entering Sakanoshita Market. He spends a lot of time here after practice, and on the weekends. His best friend, and teammate, helps out here to earn extra money.

    "Damn nerd." He mutters, already heading over to the table he frequents. "Old man just not here today?" He asks confused when he doesn't see the man who usually runs shop.

    "He asked me to close up shop tonight. Something about Nekoma agreeing to a practice match against his alma mater and coaching them until the match is over. He's having the Neighborhood Association Team play against them to gauge their skill." Midoriya says, bringing a couple meat buns to the table and pulling out his own workbook to do his homework with Katsuki.

    "Isn't his alma mater Karasuno?" Katsuki asks. Midoriya nods. "Nekoma is a tough school. I wonder how they'll do, and why Kei didn't mention Nekoma agreeing to a match."

    "Oh yeah. You did say your adoptive brother goes there. I hope he does well."

    "He'll be fine. He's a good player." Katsuki assures him.

    "Oh, hey Kaachan," Katsuki looks up at his friend, "wanna stay over tonight? Mom is making that awesome curry you like."

    "Yeah, sure. Let me just tell the hag."

    "Make sure to let her know that my mom is picking us up so she doesn't have to worry about us walking after dark." Midoriya says.

    Katsuki nods and types out a simple yet detailed message. His mother is the type to worry but not show it. That's one thing he got from her other than her temper and looks.

    The two continue doing their homework, talking, and occasionally helping customers that come in. When they were done with their homework they took the volleyball they keep behind the counter and went outside to get some practice in for Midoriya since he has to skip official practice for work. Any time someone shows up they go back inside. Soon it was closing time. While Midoriya counted the till Katsuki swept up and fixed shelves. Then they were just waiting for Mrs. Midoriya.


    Kei was glad to be back home from practice. He hadn't been expecting a full match. The Neighborhood Association Team was quite difficult to play against, not to mention their ace was on that team with their libero. The cards were against them from the beginning.

    "Hey, I'm back." He says upon entry.

    "How was practice? Katsuki told me you may be a while since the Association Team was helping with your practice." Mitauki says.

    She brings him a grilled ham and cheese. Since Katsuki wasn't going to be home, and Masaru went to bed early, she figured an easy dinner would be alright. She was tired from work anyways.

    "How did he know that?" Kei asks.

    "His friend works at the store your new coach owns. So how did you do against those guys? The team is pretty good."

    "My team lost against them. Not like we really had a chance. We've barely had time to get used to each other and our best trio was on the other team." Kei says before taking a bite out of his sandwich. "I'm going to my room. I have homework that needs done. Thank you for the sandwich."

    "You're welcome. And don't dwell on the loss. Soon you'll be kicking ass." She ruffles his hair, much to his annoyance, then heads off to her own room.


    Another growl emits from Katsuki during morning practice. His timing isn't right and it's really pissing him off. His anger was also making others stray away from him. No one likes being around him when he is this angry.

    "Bakugou, take some deep breaths on the side for a minute." Their captain, Iida, says.

    Iida is a third year and has been playing volleyball since he could walk. Everyone on the team respects him. Though he hated to admit it, Katsuki did too. Their captain always knew when to pull them off the court, or let them work through it. He was like their coach when their coach wasn't there, which was often.

    While Katsuki is on the side, breathing, he is approached by their manager, Momo Yaoyaorozu. She offers him his water bottle and sits beside him on their bench.

    "What's bothering you this morning, Bakugou?" She asks. She is like a mother to the team. "Your timing is rarely off. So something must be on your mind."

    "It's just my brother." Bakugou says. This surprises her. No one else on the team besides Midoriya even knew he had a brother. "He goes to a rival school, and we both play volleyball. Of course we made an unspoken promise to never tell the other anything about the team that would give away skills and all that. We don't want to give the competition any inside information. I figured he would at least tell me that he's got another practice match coming up though, and a big one at that. That's big news. News we should be celebrating."

    Momo smiles and rubs his back. She had expected to hear about a bad fight, or that the kid got injured. This though, this was something she could help with.

    "I understand how you feel. My twin brother goes ro a different school as well. Everything I learned about volleyball, I learned from him. When our parents got divorced though my dad took me and Mom got him. We remained in contact and spoke almost all the time. However, the moment I mentioned how I was applying for team manager for our school our conversations about volleyball cut off almost entirely. I though he was angry at me or didn't want me to be a manager. I heavily considered quiting the management position so I could continue hearing all of his teammates drama." She says.

    Katsuki's eyes widened. He couldn't imagine a team here without her being manager. Her insight on each if the players was one of the reasons they ar so good. Her insight, Iida's leadership skills, and all of them being willing to listen even when it's frustrating, that's gotten them to be an actual team with the new first years quicker than most teams.

    "I brought worries with him though, instead of quitting. He said pretty much what you did about you and your brother. He wanted our teams to meet in the ciurt with even footing, just like with every other team. The only way we get information on either team is how every other team does. Rewatching footage of games, rumors spread among friends between teams, or watching them in person. He probably didn't want you to know about the practice match because if you knew who they were facing and knew the outcome you'd have an idea of their strength." She says.

    "Oh, that actually makes sense. Both of us are pretty smart. We have a good idea of where each team lies based off of last years results. So it would be pretty easy to get an idea based off of results. We already know the results of both of our first matches of the season since Mom is interested in the results. I guess he wouldn't want me moving his team up or down based on these results."

     "See, now you're getting it. Now, to you think your mind is clear enough to get back to block practice?" She asks. He nods, while handing her the water bottle, and runs back onto the court. She smiles to herself while watching this. "I guess when it comes to siblings we're all the same. We don't like watching them drift away."

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