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"Seokjin! Taehyung! Come downstairs now or you'll be late!" Taehyung and Seokjin's mother yelled to her two boys. Seokjin and Taehyung are brothers, Taehyung being the oldest(19) and Seokjin behind the youngest(18). Taehyung was only a baby when Seokjin was added to the household, but they have always gotten along, Taehyung doing his best to fit the role of the protective older brother. Both brothers are wonderful academically and also practice using their powers regularly in their basement. Yes, everyone has powers and it is perfectly okay to use them for good only. Of course there are those who break the rules; good and evil go hand in hand with one another.

Right now, Seokjin and Taehyung are preparing to leave for the academy for gifted teenagers and Seokjin is as excited as he was when he revived his favorite squishmallow from Taehyung as a birthday present. Taehyung and Seokjin have a very healthy sibling relationship unlike the typical relationship between siblings where they despise each other.

As Seokjin is bringing his last box out of his room and downstairs, he meets his mothers eyes. She smiles at him, her eyes filling with tears as Seokjin places his box on the floor and goes to give his mother a hug. "I'm so happy for you sweetheart! Taehyung is waiting in his car." "Thanks mom, I'm gonna miss you so much." Seokjin's mother squeezes him one last time before letting him go. "I know honey, I'll miss you too, you and Taehyung. Now go before you're both late!" Seokjin quickly hugs his mother again before grabbing his box and rushing to his brothers car, putting the box in the backseat and hopping in the front. Taehyung and Seokjin both wave at their mother from the car before Taehyung pulls out of their driveway and begins their journey to the academy.

"I can't believe we're actually doing this! Going to the same academy for gifted children, I'm so excited! Aren't you excited Tae?" Taehyung smiles at his brothers excitement. Seokjin was wearing his favorite oversized, pastel purple sweatshirt with a pair of baggy jeans, his thick curly hair almost covering his round glasses. Seokjin looked adorable he had to admit. "I am excited actually. A little nervous but more excited than anything."

The drive to the academy is filled with a comfortable silence and occasional conversation. When Taehyung finally pulls into the driveway to the academy both boys are in awe. The campus is beautiful; Seokjin has never seen anything like it before. There's so many students, some using their powers and others not. Seokjin makes eye contact with someone as Taehyung drives to find their dorm. The person is a short male with black slicked back hair and a cold look on his face. Seokjin won't admit it to anyone, but the guy was very attractive and to Seokjin's surprise, Taehyung parks two cars away from the guy. "Alright Jinnie. We're here." Taehyung says as he turns off the car and unbuckles his seatbelt. Seokjin looks around, not spotting the guy at all. He unbuckles his seatbelt and gets out of the car, walking towards the backseat to begin unpacking. He grabs his first box before turning around and meeting Taehyung's back. "Tae what the hell? I almost dropped this." Taehyung noticed the guy Seokjin was looking at as they parked and being the protective brother he is, he opted to block Seokjin from him. Seokjin looked at his brother unamused.
"Tae what on earth are you doing?"
"Protecting you."
"From what? The sun?"
"No, from me." Both boys turn around fast when they hear another voice. They see a shadow and a figure emerges from it; it's the guy Seokjin saw before. "Who are you and what do you want?" Taehyung asks, hiding Seokjin behind him who rolls his eyes. "My name is Yoongi, Min Yoongi. I don't want anything from either of you, I'm just looking around before heading to my dorm room." Taehyung looks Yoongi up and down before he relaxes from his tense posture. Taehyung stretches his hand towards Yoongi who grabs it in a firm handshake. "Kim Taehyung." Seokjin looks between the two unamused, moving to the trunk to get everything else out. As Seokjin is grabbing items from the car Taehyung and Yoongi begin to have a conversation. Seokjin glances at Yoongi occasionally, making eye contact with said male a few times causing his face to turn a shade of pink. Seokjin tuned out whatever the two males were saying as he grabbed his favorite squishmallow, placing it on top of an opened box so he could carry it inside.

Before he could grab the box, he hears someone. "That's adorable. Is that a squishmallow?" Seokjin turned his and makes eye contact with a rather tall guy, taller than Yoongi at least. Deep red hair and a heart shaped smile greet him and Seokjin swears he feels his ears burn. 'Where are all these attractive men coming from?' Seokjin thinks to himself as he stands up straight. "Y-yes it is!" 'Of course you had to stutter you idiot!' Seokjin curses himself internally. "I have others but this one us my favorite." The guy smiles again. "It's cute." Seokjin returns the smile and before he can say anything to the guy, Taehyung starts up again.

"And who are you?" Taehyung asks.

"I'm Hoseok. Jung Hoseok." Hoseok turns to Seokjin who is now holding the box with his squishmallow on top. "What's your name cutie?" Seokjin giggles a bit before answering, ignoring his brother. "Seokjin, Kim Seokjin."

Taehyung is fuming right now.

"Tae which floor are we on? I'm not dealing with you anymore right now."

Taehyung stutters. "I-. Wha-. What? What do you mean you're "not dealing with me anymore"?" Hoseok and Yoongi chuckle at the two siblings.

"Because you're doing the overprotective brother thing and it's annoying. Now tell me which floor we're on." Taehyung sighs. "I'm on the 5th floor and you're on the 7th. Our names are on the doors, here's your key."

"Finally, thanks you." Seokjin looks between Hoseok and Yoongi. "See ya." He says, turning and winking at Hoseok before his body glows in a white light and he flies into the building.

Taehyung looks at Hoseok and Yoongi, attempting to threaten them with just his glare. He breathes in and let's put a sigh. "My apologies for the way I acted. He's my little brother and I'll do anything to protect him. I hope you both can understand that."

Yoongi steps towards Taehyung. "No worries man, but I think there's something you should know." Taehyung furrows his eyebrows in a questioning look. "Hoseok and I are roommates. Not only that, but" Yoongi looks at the building just as Seokjin opens the window in his room. He leans forward, placing a hand on Taehyung's shoulder. "We live on the same floor as Seokjin." Yoongi finishes, disappearing into black mist immediately after.

Taehyung glares at the spot where Yoongi once stood, turning to look at Hoseok who sends a small wave in Taehyung's direction before he walks into the building.

Taehyung gathers his thoughts for a moment, interrupted by Seokjin. "Oh come on Tae! You haven't unloaded anything! Gosh do I have to do everything?" Taehyung shakes his head and apologizes to his brother before he grabs a few things and heads inside, Seokjin flying in after him with mores things.

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