~Chapter Fiveteen~

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„Well I guess I will continue myself"

I was wandering through the hotel, still searching through every room I passed. Sometimes even with dead people in them.
,,They will never find the witch, if they continue like this" I thought to myself while looking outside a window in the room I was currently in.

Usagi's POV

I was running through the corridors, hiding every now and then, when I bumped into a familiar face. Tata. I remember him from a game a while back.
,,Tata, you're still alive" ,,Looks like it" he smiled at me. Finally someone I can trust.
,,I'm looking for Arisu. He's been taken away by the militants, have you seen hum by any chance?" ,,I'm sorry but I haven't seen him, I can help you look for him though" ,,That would be great"

I once again started to look for Arisu but this time with Tata's help. That way we'll be faster.
We went into a room where Tata opened a door just to find a frightened man with a gun sitting in a bathtub. I crouched down to his level ,,Are you okay?" ,,I can't do this anymore" he shakily whispered ,,Do you know where Arisu is?" I asked the man. ,,He's in the main building, forth floor" I glanced at Tata ,,We have to tell Y/N, a friend of mine, that we got a hint, we agreed to meet im 30 minutes, which is in about five minutes, come on"


I was running back to Usagi's and my meetingpoint, disappointed that I have found nothing.
As I was turning a corner I saw Usagi and a boy running towards me.
,,Usagi, you're fine, thank goodness" We quickly hugged each other. ,,And who are you?" I asked the boy. ,,I'm Tata, I don't think we've met yet, but I played a game alongside Usagi and Arisu" ,,Nice to meet you" I eyed him up and down cautiously. ,,Don't worry you can trust him" ,,Mhh, okay" I was still kinda sceptical, but he didn't look like someone who betrays people, nor someone who murders them.

,,We got an information about Arisu!" Usagi exclaimed ,,He's somewhere in the main building on the forth floor" ,,Well what are we waiting for? Let's go!" I exclaimed.

We ran as fast as we could. Hearing gunshots every now and then. There weren't many people left, that's why we barely bumped into anyone.
Nevertheless we still had to be careful. You never knew if they were militants or not.

Reaching the forth floor in the main building, the same procedure as before began once again. Looking through every room that we passed.

I stoped in one room. I thought about Niragi. Where he was right now, and what he was doing. He was definitely still alive, because he's Niragi. No one would/could kill him. And I can really imagine him killing people from somewhere right now.
I sighed. I wish he was here with me.
Shaking my thoughts of him out of my mind. I have other problems at the moment.

Niragi POV

I was laying on the rooftop aiming at random people with my gun. I enjoyed seeing their scared faces right before they drip dead to the ground. I grinned to myself.

My thoughts wandered to my beautiful princess Y/N. Where see might be right now? I wish she was here with me.

I saw a familiar face and my thoughts wandered to my past.

,,Let's do this okay? Steady, aim..."
A baseball hitting me right in my face. Everyone around me started laughing. whilst I fell on the ground.
,,Yah, get up, we're not done with you yet!" A boy said while pulling me back on my feet.
,,Whose turn is it now? Huh?" He said laughing.

I quickly banished these thoughts out of my head and concerned back on real life.

,,Don't you get tired of bullying people weaker than you?"
I turned around just to see my absolute favourite person (not) Chishiya.
I rolled my eyes ,,You really go in my nerves, do you know that? Your lucky I haven't found you yet. I was looking for you. Why don't we put an end to this right now?"
,,You know, I think you know who the witch is. Someone close to you" ,,What? Are you saying I'm the witch? Sorry but you're wrong" I angrily said while clutching my gun.
,,It has to be one of the executives because the power switched from the generators to the hotels own suppliers and only the executives have knowledge of how the electricity works here and the key to the underground. I will kill all of them if I have to, starting with you..."
,,Sorry to disappoint you but I can't let you do that. I have plans later" I aimed my gun at Chishiya.
He just laughed.
Then suddenly he came barging towards me while throwing cards in the air, which caught me off gard.
,,What the hell was that?" I yelled and shot a gunshot.
Chishiya was now right next to holding something with a flame on it into my face. It clicked in my head and before he could fire I jumped off the building, landing on a balcony and quickly breaking the glassdoor and tumbling into the room.
I had to get away from there...


An alarm started ringing through the corridors and smoke was starting to form.
,,Huh? Is there a fire?" Tata looked at me questioning.
,,Looks like it" I said kinda worried.
,,Shhh, both of you! I hear someone"
We all listened for a moment. And for real, there were some faint shouts.
,,I hear it too" Tata and I saud in unison.
Usagi started to listen on every door to see if the noises were coming from that room. I followed her actions and did the same.
I came to a door and heard shouts, barely but still.
,,Usagi here! Arisu"  I shouted trying to open the door but it was locked.
Suddenly there were gunshots. Usagi pulled me up and with her. Tata running off in the other direction as us.
The militants unfortunately following us.
,,I will distract them, go save Arisu!" I say to Usagi. She nodded and went inside a room. The militants wanting to follow her but I stopped them by pulling them back by their shirts ,,Ahaha, not her you As*holes"
The stumbled backwards falling onto the ground. One of them accidentally hitting his head on a windowsill and being knocked out right away. The other one trying to get up but i slammed a vase, which was sitting in the windowsill, over his head knocking him out as well.
I wiped my hands on my shorts, kinda proud of myself for knocking out two grown men.
After looking down on these men I turned around to go back to the door where I heard Arisu. As I was turning around a corner I bumped into someone.
I automatically grabbed their arms to steady myself.
,,Oh Sh*t" I looked up into that persons face just to be met with the eyes that I fell in love with.

Words: ~1.2k
The long wished chapter is finally here 😂.
Sorry for making you wait so long. Motivation has left the chat, but it is slowly coming back.
Also thank you all sooo much for your patience and for all the love and support I've been getting on this book. I can't thank you enough ❤️

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2023 ⏰

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