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"good morning Arcadia Oaks If you are not awake right now you are missing the most beautiful sunrise" I take the magazine off my head and look around to see it is the day I found the amulet after checking in on my mom and finding her sleeping peacefully I run outside to hopefully find Toby but I didn't see him "Toby?" I look around and to no avail so I go to clean up the mess the racoons made "fuck racoons" when I heard Toby "hey Jimbo. you make anything today? Also sense when do you swear?" I turn around and tackle the poor boy to the ground in a big hug "what was that about Jimbo?" "Oh nothing but you have no idea how good it feels to be back"

Time skip to
When Toby found the amulet

I was on the couch with my phone in hand with a look of thought on my face "I should give tobes a call maybe he will tell me on his own I mean he wouldn't hide this form me right?" I grab the phone and put in his number, it ringed a few times before it was picked up and I heard tobys voice on the other end "hey Jimbo what's up?" His voice cracked near the end I tried to ignore it "Not much just wanted to see if you found anything in the canals?" After I asked I could hear him put his hand on the speaker in hopes of making it so I can't hear what is happening on the other end what I could make out was "....why not he's---- seriously..........fine" after he removed the hand the conversation took a turn " what was that about tobes" suspicion leaching on every word " oh nothing just Nana............but about your question earlier uhhh..noo I didn't find anything yup nothing....nada thing" ngl kind of disappointing I had hoped he would tell me but maybe Blinky was there
He probably told him that he can't tell me "ok just wanted to make sure. see you tomorrow then?" "Yup see you tomorrow" I hung up, and took a deep breath and stood up to go outside into my backyard

I sat down on the last step and observed all the little creatures screaring about a few squirrels came up to me but they all ran off, birds where flying above me I must have been there for hours as it had been dark for a bit now I heard the crickets chirp. the stars in the sky where beautiful I let my eyes close after a while a warmth surrounded me my eyes open and I see a light blue glow surround my body and when it disappeared I was no longer human.....I was a troll again "what the actual fuck just happened" I could now hear everything around me not a single thing went unnoticed my ears turned to the sounds and slowly I got up and put my hands infront of me to confirm that I was Infact a troll a large grin spread across my face.

I ran into the trees and hopped from one to the other wind in my face and blowing through my hair
I come to a stop when I reach a area I'm not to familiar with so I go slower as to not get lost, the deeper I go into this part of the Forest the more life I hear around me more small creatures two or three bigger ones but other then that this place was devoid of any human life as if it was deserted, I got out of the tree and stepped down a small lake similar to the one I found when I first turned into a troll but this one is smaller and has no Lake trolls. Some plants are on the edge of it and a couple of rocks where on the side of it moss laid on it like a blanket the lake had a few fish in it a oldlooking dock 'It could probably hold my weight' after a bit of standing around I decided to move closer to it and step on the dock some dust in the air when it settles down I make my way to the water

I look into the reflection and see myself unlike the first time When I saw a monster

I noticed that a cloak had appeared and covered most of my shoulders and stopped around mid torso a little fraid along the edge some lightweight armor on my torso arms and legs
The under armour was black and appeared to be a two-piece I could just make out the scars on my face "I wonder if the others are there too" after some debate in my head I decided to remove the top part of the under armour.

sure enough scars littered my chest one is the more prominent one's where from the first ones I got it was when I was fighting the stalkling the lightning had made enough damage for a scar but not any nerve damage thanks to Vendel I slightly shiver at the memory not wanting Toby to go through that   As well


put the under armour back down and try to enjoy the peace and quiet still a bit tense ,now that is was quieter the  occasional chirp from a cricket or too was easy to hear after a while fireflies began to surround the lake dancing in the light of the Moon it was beautiful as I was looking at the fireflies I looked in the lake and see that the sky has gone almost completely dark I released how late it was my eyes widened and i ran to the trees they  were creaking and bending at the sudden added weight until I got home. It was almost Dawn I tried to go back into my human form but it didn't work so I had to climb in through my window so I wouldn't get caught in the sun and I try again inside "ok do what blinky taught you breathe in..... breathe out"the light blue glow came back but this time it went away quicker and I wasn't as short "huh the fuck why am I might be a side effect" I grab some new clothes and go to the bathroom and have a quick shower.

I step out of the shower and wrap the towel around my waist and look in the mirror and look for another changes that may have appeared my scars where more visible my Adam's apple was a bit more noticeable I did notice that there were to little bumps where my horns would be but it didn't brake skin other than that and the fact that I was taller everything was the same I let my hair stay the way it was I had given up on trying to make it look good long ago mainly cuz troll hair is hard to style, I grab some concealer that was my mom's and hoped it would work I would normally use it if I got any big acne outbreak but currently that isn't my first concern anymore so let's hope no one see them I make sure that it's well covered before I leave

after I got ready I made some food for me mom and Toby three BLTs I put mom's in the fridge and Toby's in my hand with mine my helmet in my other hand I struggle to open the garage door but I managed to open it and put my helmet on
The sun had become visible over the tree tops a well ago it was almost 8am i was happy to see Toby again but it did make me sad that he wasn't going to tell me though he might today I mean you never know

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