Mook/Flavio: you were walking to the store when the razor heads pulled up to the store when you were about to enter, Mook decided to fuck with you because his friends were around so he tripped you as you looked at him he grinned and laughed as he walked inside with the razor heads
Hector: hector was walking and shoulder checked you hard so that you felt down him and his friends were laughing since he found it funny but kept on walking
Noser: noser sat next to you in history so he'd copy off of you all the time because he didn't want to waste his Time doing it
Curt: he ignored you most of the time and would call you "Mook" because he found you annoying
Dawn: she didn't know you until she heard curt talking about you
Cody: he almost hit you with his bike and just kept going since he wasn't going to stop
Angel: he bumped into you when he was going to get Cody but he ended up apologizing because he knocked you down
Sonny: he saw you when angel basically shoved you from what he saw
Reedy: he saw you getting picked on by the razor heads and told them you were there brother/sister
Mohawk: he wrestled you in gym class