🔞 Figure x Jeff 🔞

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9/3/2023 — 1327 words


Had me at Jeff. You alr know what Figure looks like so here's Jeff ig.

 You alr know what Figure looks like so here's Jeff ig

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Took long to find that image. Jeff has no gender so uhm he's suddenly a boy.. He's wearing like Cashier clothes but they're black? Idk how to explain lol.

Anygays let's start.

3rd pov ig

7:04 am. Figure had woken up way to early. An average Roblox player would wake up at 10am (Lies<3). He didn't know what to do, plus, it was still dark (Uhm it gets light at 8....) so he decided to walk around.

He carefully lit a candle and carried it. He walked towards the double doors that said "051". Not many people had gotten past him in the past week so this could have been a new sight for him.

PAUSE!! In my AU, Figure can see, but not that well. Also he wears a blindfold because this guy goes hardcore on literally everything. UNPAUSE!!

He walked and opened door 52 to be greeted by a little shop. "Awh, how cute.." he thought. Looking around, he spotted a short man laying on the table. He was alive, just sleeping. Who was he though? He'd never known about him.

Figure set down his candle and tapped him on the shoulder. The blue man's eyes fluttered open as he stared at the tall entity in front of him. He let out a gasp and immediately stood up. "S-sir! I-I uhm.. Good morning.." he stuttered.

"Who are you?" Figure asked, going straight for the question. "W-well. My name is Jeff. Sir." Figure touched his hair and went down from there. He had the crouch down to feel the rest of him.

"I-Is this necessary..?" Jeff asked confused. Figure nodded and touched his hand. He held it tightly trying to find the other one. "Sir.. are you blind..?" Jeff quietly said. "Yes I am, slightly anyways."

Jeff looked straight at him. He looked quite attractive for someone like him. "Maybe if you take that blindfold off you'd be able to see a little bit more clearly?" He asked and took it off.

He stared at his eyes and blushed. "What?" Figure asked. Jeff snapped back into reality. "N-nothing!" He said rather fast. Figure stared at the shorter entity. He had enough eyesight to observe how he looked. He had short hair and was wearing a black apron. Pretty cute. Hm.

It was only early. Maybe one kiss wouldn't hurt.. He'd have to ask for consent though. "Jeff," he started. "Yes..?" Figure was hesitant for a moment but then whispered something in his ear. "May I kiss you?"

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