ive missed you :3

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you rub your nose, the hot spring weather giving you allergies, you groan loudly and start to talk to yourself "argh! ___! why are you so defenceless over flowers!" you hear a boy chuckle, then laugh loudly, you blink and slowly turn your head toward the sound, a boy with blonde hair was laughing, almost in tears. "hahaha, god, i havent laughed like this in ages!" you watch him regain his straight stance. "hi there.. im len." you blink about three times, before saying "....wha?" you didnt quite think at this point, i mean a random stranger watched you yell to yourself in the middle of the park.. he smirks slightly "len kagamine ka-ga-mine, okay?" you nod softly. "im..___" his eyes widen slighty "w-wait what..? is your last name ____?" you blink "yeah....why?" his eyes widen more, his bright blue eyes lighting up with excitement. "_____!!!" he ran up to you, dropping all the stuff he was holding, and glomped you, wrapping his arms around you, you gasp loudly, stumbling slightly. "w-what are you doing!?" he smiles, hugging you tightly, making you blush slightly. "we were best friends in primary school..? remember..?" it all came back to you, you remembered this boy you met so long ago. i was probably 7 when i last talked to him..

"_____!!!! where did you go?! i need my sandwich!" you snicker and hold the sandwich in your hands. you were hiding under the bench of the third classroom and you could hear him getting closer, you got up and opened the door, you went to run but len grabbed your hips, stopping you. "thats mine remember! you can have half.." you smile "okay!.. hey len.. do you think we will be friends forever..?" he smiles, giving you a thumbs up. "of course we will!! i promise!!"

"oh w-wow! hi i remember now! i used to steal your lunch.. you were chubby back then.." he smiles, blushing "do you remember our promise..?" you smile "i sure do!" his eyes light up more as he blushes a lot "ah! im so happy!!" he picks you up slightly, spinning you around, you scream slightly as he stumbles, making you fall back onto your back, landing in long grass, surrounded by yellow sunflowers, you blush deeply once you open your eyes, you realised len had fallen ontop of you, and even more embarrising, his lips crashed into yours accidently, your face turns a bright red, and so does lens, he rolls off of you "s-sorry! s-so sorry!!!" you blush, putting your four fingers on your lips as you mumble "n-no.. its fine..." you sneeze loudly, all the pollen getting into your eyes and nose. "a-ah god.." lens face was still red as he grabbed your wrist, helping you up. "a-are you okay?" you nod "y-yeah.. im fine..." he nods back "w-well thats good.." he clears his throat. "well! i was going to ask if youd like to come over to mine! meeting my friends and what not, you remember miku and kaito..? and my sister rin, and all the other friends?" you nod "yeah, i remember! how are they?" he smiles "well, the only one that has changed dramatically is kaito, hes tall as now, and gakupo too!" you smile "oh cool! thats awesome! I'll be happy to see the ones that come!" he smiles sweetly, blushing "y-yeah.. they will too..."

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