Chapter One: Taste

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Author's note: Hello! I finally went back and revised the first chapter, hope you like this "taste" of what could be. :)

The Tulip family was like many others in the Long Island Area.The two parents, Lucas and Ala, and their twin sons, Will and Toby. Or as they prefer to be called, Wil and Tobi. Subtle differences, but they mean the world to them, especially after what happened. I'll get into that later.

Wil and Tobi were inseparable growing up, all through school to graduation. Sure, they had their disagreements, but they always made up by the next day. They would frequent playgrounds as young children and forests as they grew older, crafting quests and scavenger hunts to occupy their days and nights. There was a week when the boys were 14 where they "went missing," as in they went off into the forest and got lost. That week truly tested the bond of the brothers, but they both came out of it alive and closer than ever.

If you were to ask Wil about it, he'd start gushing about every good memory, success, and game they played while out there, rarely ever mentioning a single struggle or fight that occurred. Those are more what Tobi would talk about. That was how the twins acted since they went missing, Wil always focused on the brighter side of everything, while Tobi latches on to mistakes and shortcomings. They still got along and were very close, but their unity was more like that of a Half-Moon cookie. Great together, no one's ever had them apart, but there is a clear contrast between them.

Once the boys turned 18, they bought their own apartment closer to a large hiking trail. They soon learned that paying for this apartment was going to be harder than they thought. They both had jobs, but they couldn't collectively earn enough money to consistently pay rent on time. So, Tobi proposed an idea, one he deemed "The most far out of left field, long shot outlandish, possibly most dangerous and highly illegal idea ever proposed by anyone ever." Even Wil, someone who always did the right thing, was mildly intrigued by this. What Tobi proposed is that they use their many years experience of climbing and swinging through trees, nimbly treading across private territory, and that one time they killed a bear, and put it to good use. Theft. All of Wil's interest left his body in a loud rush, as for the first time in his life, he yelled at Tobi. He was shocked that someone he felt so close to could even suggest such a heinous act, furious that he thought he'd even stoop that low.

You see, Wil tended to be the favorite child, the one Lucas and Ala paid attention to more. He was more... sheltered. He was the one everyone knew as the "Good kid," the straight A's, never spoke out-of-turn, friends-with-everyone sweet angel child. Tobi wasn't a bully, but by comparison he wasn't great. He had his own friends outside of Wil, but they never lasted long. He was never super social, but he did excel in English, specifically poetry. This did not help him socially, but stupid comparisons were his thing. This snap was coming, but Tobi had no idea just how soon.

"TOBI!? How DARE you suggest such a heinous thing?"

"Heinous? Wil, this is nothing. You want to talk heinous?"

"You don't see theft as 'heinous?' I thought I knew you, I thought I liked you."

"Woah, woah, Wil! Don't you think you're overreacting? I only suggested-"

"Even that is bad on its own, if we need money, we're gonna get it. Legally. Understand?"

"You can't control what I do. What if I did go out there and steal, what would you do?"

"Call the authorities, duh? Do you know who you're talking to?"

"A sheltered christian jackass with attachment issues? I'm well aware."

Wil stood silent. Tobi could tell he was hurt, but he wasn't ready to walk away just yet.

"What? Are you scared that I'd be better than you? Scared that maybe you aren't as great as they tell you...?"

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