jolene - 1972

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plot by me
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Jolene Lockhart; daughter of a single father and resident of an insignificant northeastern town along the coast. As it was only the year 1972, Jolene had made a living picking flowers for a small booth that she set up outside of town. Along with her flower stand, she made and sold her own honey to make a living for herself and her ill father. Jolene was focused. Happy-go-lucky, if you would like to add.

For Jo, the glass was always full. The sun always shined, particularly on her long locks of golden wavy hair. Her smile was refreshing, a breath of pure spring. Her voice was soft and gentle, almost like the soft rain that poured down across the town every summer afternoon. Because, of course, with sunshine, rain always follows. The sun was waiting for her rain, however, she didn't know how quickly he would enter her bubble of a life.


"I vividly remember arriving in New York. I was wearing a ratty vintage-looking coat and a yellow baby doll dress with bright orange tights and converse sneakers, looking like a bargain basement Technicolor Daisy Buchanan." The small girl lay across the grass, her hands in her lap as she recalled her trip to the big city just north of her home.

"Mhm, tell me more." He added. He knew how much she loved telling her stories, and even if they dragged on for ages, he learned to appreciate them. It was the way to her soul. Those stories could never get old. She looked sad, maybe it was the bittersweet feeling that New York brought her. Now she was flatly broke and left to deal with the burden of her father's illness, although she wouldn't put it that way.

"A few days into my trip, a modeling agent stopped me in the plaza." Her eyes grew wide as she picked petals off of the daisy, now laying on her stomach. The boy lay on his side, his chin in the palm of his hands as he watched her carefully.

"And what did this agent say?" He rose a brow. He reached his hand forward to brush a strand of loose hair away from her soft face.

"He asked me to have a photoshoot with him. Of course, I agreed. I gave him everything I had," She said. "We shot for two hours, and God were they glorious. I had never felt so excited in my life. I left the studio to go back into the snow with my single subway token, but I had never in my life felt so joyful." She smiled.

"That sounds amazing, darling. You know I have family in New York?" He smirked, knowing just the right way to grab the blonde's attention. Her eyes grew wide, "Get out of town." She brushed his shoulder and laughed as he put his hands up in defense.

"I swear to you, Jo. I'd never lie!" He smiled back, holding his arms out as she pressed her back against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her head as they lay in the field of daisies.

"Harry, please take me there."


JOLENE skipped down Fairmount avenue, a cart with a collection of honey and flowers trailing behind her. The sun shone across her golden-blonde hair, casting light into her green eyes as well.
The people stared as Jolene smiled and ran down the sidewalk, headed toward her newest shop.

There she goes again, walking down the sidewalk with her honey and cart of flowers- the bag of honey jars lightly patting against her left thigh with every step. Jolene had the brightest look in her green eyes, sending everyone she passed a genuine smile and wave- making sure she reflects the positivity her father always told her to put into the world. 

She sold honey and flowers for a living, despite the fact that most people didn't want flowers and honey. She was happy, however, and for Jolene, that was all that mattered. "Good morning, Mr. Harrington!" Jolene called out as she waved to the owner of the Bloomingdale Bank. "Top of the morning to you, Jo! How are you this lovely morning?" He reiterated as the girl and the cart that followed came to a stop.

On this particular day, Mr. Harrington was allowing Jolene to set up her small stand in front of his bank, which would in turn hopefully attract a few more customers. "I'm great, thank you." Jolene smiled and began to cross the street, making her way toward Mr. Harrington. Without looking, she began to wander into the practically empty street to set up her flower and honey stand for the day ahead of her. The screeching sound of tires came to a halt as Jolene felt a gust of wind blow her floral skirt forward, almost exposing her bare legs beneath the long fabric.

"What the hell are you standing in the road for?!" Asked a tall and dark man with a thick accent. He began getting out of the car, rubbing his temples aggressively. "I'm trying to cross the street. Not hit random girls with my car." Jolene giggled, keeping her positive attitude as always. "Well maybe you should start paying more attention, Christ." The tall man sighed, leaving his car parked on the side of the road and moving to the sidewalk to examine Jolene's setup. She finished crossing the sidewalk and positioned her cart beside the front entrance of the Bloomingdale bank, adjusting a small paper sign that read 'Jo's Jar of Honey, only a dollar!'

The man looped his fingers through the belt loop in his distressed jeans, leaning over and examining the jars of honey. The old couple was kind enough to let Jolene sell her homemade honey in front of their store every morning for the past year and a half. Jo knew practically everyone in the small Massachusetts town, but she'd somehow never seen this man before.

Perhaps resides on the other side of town, the much darker part. Jolene noticed. Mrs. Harrington was out front, watering the flower baskets that sat in front of her bank. With furrowed eyebrows, Jolene wandered toward the old woman, studying her carefully. Mrs. Harrington craned her head as she recognizes the pitter-patter sound of Jo's Mary Jane sandals. "Good morning, Mrs. Harrington!" The sweet girl beamed as she placed her bag down against the shop, "How many times should I need to tell you, Jo?! It's Aurora." 

"Sorry, Mrs. Harrington." Aurora jokes as always and she hears the woman mumble, "You're gonna kill me, child."  The honeypot laughs as she hears the bell ding from the door opening. "Oh hello, dear!" Comes from behind her, Jimmy or- Mr. Harrington says as he comes out from the shop, a box of packed items in his arms. "Jimmy!" 

"God, finally you're out here! I've been holding this crap for ages." Aurora whines as she drops all the items in the box, Jimmy groaning as he puts the box down. "Christ, it's been five minutes, darling."  "Exactly! You think I somehow got a young back in the past ten minutes?"  This causes Aurora to chuckle before she realizes the packed goods, "What are you guys packing up for? Going out of town and don't want anyone to steal somethin'? I can always watch over for you guys!" 

The old couple sighs at the question, guilt building up in them at her kindness. "You see, dearie. I really hate to tell you this but we sold the store and we're retiring." 

The smile on her face falls off quickly, Aurora noticing it before shaking her head and faking a grin, "Oh! That's alright. I guess it's time, anyways."  Jimmy and Aurora send her a sweet smile, pulling the pretty girl in for a hug  "I'm so sorry, sweetie- but I'm sure another store will give you a chance! You're the sweetest." Mrs. Addington says.  "And good for business, truly. I promise you we've had more customers come ever since you started parading your honey out here." Jimmy adds with a sad grin. 

Aurora smiles and nods her head as they back off, "True! I'll find somewhere else to sell, it's okay."  "We love you, sugar. You're like the daughter we've never had. Don't be shy and ring us up for tea sometimes. I'll miss seeing you every morning."  "I miss you guys too! And I'll definitely take advantage of the phone and bother you every Sunday. I'll even make those waffles you both love." Aurora beams and Jimmy claps his hands, "You better. Make sure to bring that honey too."

Jolene adjusted the hem of her skirt and carried onward, exiting the front door of the bank. To her surprise, the tall man from earlier was still standing outside. "Dreams got crushed, huh?" He asked with a smug look on her face as Jo tried to pay him no attention and set up her stand. "Things happen," she muttered.

"Look," the brunette man began and motioned for Jo to look him in the eyes. She did, confidently so. "You can sell your little honey or whatever it is that you sell outside of my shop. It's a cigarette slash motorcycle joint slash dive bar sorta gig." He offered. Jolene's face lit up with excitement and she immediately began to jump up and down. The man put his index finger into the air and shushed Jo, telling her he wasn't done speaking. "On one condition." He added.

"You're gonna have to work for me, also. Inside the shop."

"You've gotta help work

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