Chapter 1: Why me

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Song recommendation: Cradles- Suburban

brief character description: Honey/ light blonde hair that's waist length usually tied in a braid. Wears cargos and cropped tank tops (ITs hot outside). Has blue eyes (mostly for later family connections). Has freckles on her body and beauty marks!



I opened my eyes to see the once blue sky now painted a red and grey colour with smoke clouding the sun. That's not right. I quickly sit up and look around to see thick red flames engulfing the forest around me. What the fuck happened. I pressed myself up onto my feet and began running back towards my home, hoping that my friends were alright and not currently being burned to death.

The smoke was thick and clogged my lungs, making it almost impossible to breathe. Damn this forest fire. Just as I was about to reach the final stretch towards the walls, I found myself running into someone's chest and falling to the ground quite brutally. I swiftly looked through my pockets to finds something, anything, to defend myself with the figure turned around. I looked up to take a glance at the person in front of me to see a boy around six feet with raven black hair pulled out of his face by a white bandana. He was wearing a white flame tee with a pair of black ripped jeans and had a mischievous grin on his face while holding a flint and steel in his hands. How unfortunate was I. I managed to run straight into the pyromaniac who started this fire. (Pyromaniac-a person with an obsessive desire to set fire to things)

"Well look what we have here, a citizen of L'manchildberg" He said snarkily, "What's your name? I don't think I've seen you before."

I glared at him in return, carefully pulling my dagger from my pocket, ready to stab him with, but still out of sight.

"What? Cats got your tongue doll?" He said with a rather annoying chuckle.

Now I am fed up, I hate pet names. I went to stab him so I could make a run for it, but before my blade could pierce him, he grabbed my hand and twisted it causing me to drop it and wince in pain.

"Did you just try to shank me?" He asked, clearly annoyed while picking up my dagger.

"That was very rude of you. Apologise." He said cockily, while pulling my hair that was neatly tied in a braid, so that I was facing him. I spit in his face in return because clearly this whole situation was pissing me off.

"Fine, wanna be like that? Cool with me" he said, moving the dagger towards me.

I squeezed my eyes closed, waiting for impact, but I never felt anything. I opened my eyes to see most of my braid on the forest floor next to me.

"Did you just cut my fucking hair off?!" I screamed; jaw dropped open in shock.

"You wouldn't apologise and-" He started, but before he could finish, I punched him square in the face. I went for another swing, but someone pulled me off before I could do so. The boy I punched had blood dripping from his nose and glared at me, while I just smirked at him.

"Woah sapnap are you okay?" A British voice said from behind me.

"That bitch just punched me, George!" The guy whose name was sapnap said.

"You cut my fucking hair off! Call us even." I say angrily.

Sapnap continued complaining about distracting goggles behind me so I did the only reasonable thing and kneed him in the crotch and ran for my life. George fell to the ground while sap chased after me, screaming for me to stop.

I was so close to home when yet again I ran into another person, falling to the ground and hitting my head quite hard.

"Well, well, well, what do we have?" A masked man in front of me said while bending down to look at me.

Before I had a chance to reply or do anything for that matter, sapnap ran into the clearing I was in, panting heavily.

"She'" Sapnap said in between breaths.

I just layed there, trying to lessen my dizzy spell.

"Well, Sapnap, since you clearly encountered her before this judging by your bloody nose, who is she?" The masked man, I knew as dream said.

I never met Dream or even saw him before since I mostly did medical things and was on potion brewing duty, but I knew it was him based on the description Tommy gave me.

"I don't know bro she literally wouldn't speak to me and punched me for no reason!" Sapnap complained.

"No reason?! Bitch you cut my hair off!" I argued, pushing myself to stand up, but falling in the promise.

"Woah their princess, don't hurt yourself over little old sapnap." dream said, chuckling to himself as he caught me.

Sapnap rolled his eyes in return.

"What should we do with her?" He asked.

"We could use her as leverage. She must be pretty important to L'manberg since she hasn't fought us yet."

"Good idea, but how are we gonna get her to the base without causing problems?"

"Just knock her out, easy peasy." Dream replied, still holding me up.

"Wait wait no-" I start to say before a syringe of sedatives is inserted into my arms, and I slowly lose my consciousness.

The last thing I feel is being passed into someone's arms, as they take me to their base. Just my luck, going out for a nice day and getting kidnapped. Hopefully my friends will come for me.


A/N- Thanks for reading! I got motivation to write a new book even though i probs should finish my other one, but ADD said no. I hope you enjoyed! Updates soon!

Word count: 977

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