Chapter 8

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Sanji finished his quick bath, he walked out of the bathroom and proceeded to the kitchen. There was no Zoro in the kitchen. Where could he be, Sanji thought. Then out of nowhere, a hand was placed on Sanji's head, ruffling his hair. 

"There you are. Glad you weren't lost." He said, then he walked to the counter.

Zoro just huffed at the others' statement. He then took the plates from Sanji's hand, "Sit." he said. 

The blonde guy was caught off guard, he didn't expect this mossheaded friend of his to be so kind and prepare the table for him.

"Wow, character development." he jokingly said. 

"I thought you might be tired from cooking. The man sometimes has to do something, you know." Zoro replied, smirking at the other who is currently sitting and waiting for Zoro to finish putting the spoons on their plates that were also laid out by Zoro.

"I am the man." Sanji said, he started giving Zoro a portion of the fried rice he cooked earlier then he took some for himself.

"Not when I'm around." Zoro laughed, receiving a glare from Sanji

"Thank you for the food."

A few hours later, it's now 2pm. They finished eating lunch a couple of hours ago. It was very chaotic, Zoro insisted on helping Sanji to cook when he can't even cut an onion properly. They also made plans, they talked and talked. 

At first, Sanji felt awkward about telling Zoro more of what he did with his family because of Zoro's current problem, but Zoro asked him about it, this assured Sanji then he started telling him everything that happened. Zoro laughed when he told him about the usual happenings, meaning the arguments of his brothers. He noticed how happy Sanji is about his family, he seems like he really enjoyed  being with them.

Right now, the two of them are rummaging through Sanji's clothes, they're looking for something that Zoro would wear. Sanji found a few options that he thought would fit Zoro but Zoro turned them down. According to him, he's willing to explore styles but these are too far from his current style. 

Sanji and Zoro found a grayish puffy jacket, Zoro thought it'll work by itself, but Sanji insisted on looking for a white shirt that would fit the other.

After a good 20 minute search for pants, they finally decided on getting ready. Sanji found shorts that might fit Zoro. He tried 'em on and thought they could work. Sanji prepared beige colored long sleeve button up and pants for himself. They only planned on playing arcade games, and getting groceries on the way home so he thought he should wear a simpler outfit. 

Their neighborhood isn't so big, its not so small either. It's located behind a busy town so the shops are a walking distance. Not so many vehicles pass by because its more of a private village in the corner of their city. 

Zoro is currently waiting for Sanji to finish checking if the door is properly closed, he can't afford to have his uncle's house robbed. After a few minutes, they started walking. They remembered the times they went home together when they first met. The times when they fight most of the time, when they only know Nami, no Luffy, Usopp, or Robin and others yet. Just the three of them, walking to their homes. Zoro and Nami lived nearby then, but their parents moved to the village much more closer to the city, the place where Luffy lives. 

Back then, they will walk Nami to her house, and then go home themselves. Zoro's house is the farthest, so he gets home later than the other two. It's been just a year since then but Sanji missed those moments. He wished he could walk Nami to her house again. 

Sunday, 5:00 pm

Sanji and Zoro had a great time playing, they saw few familiar faces and did their best to not engage in a conversation. They are on their way to the grocery store now. Zoro wanted to take a piss so he told Sanji to go first, since grocery shopping doesn't really need Zoro in it. He went in first, and started looking for the ingredients he will need for tonight's dinner. 

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