I know that I'm not a perfect soul.
I'm stubborn, terribly so.
I cry when I get mad,
and I squeal when I laugh.
I can't hold a glare,
but I have a thoughtful stare?
Sometimes I make mistakes beyond repair,
and that creates dispair.
I try very hard to express myself
with words I hardly know.
There are times when
all I want is to scream and kick,
for nothing is right there.
Though, I know, I used to take things for granted.
I hardly can for the rest of my life.
I will value every passing moment,
every precious second.
I shall start the day with a blessing thanks
to my all-loving Gods,
and end it with the same blessing thanks for the end of this day.
For tomorrow, is a new chance
to show who I am.
Never will I curse them,
even if I question their meaning to my destiny.
I have faith,
and hope.
My love is eternal.
I have arrived in the here,
and now.
I can breathe.
This is a gift.