The Letter

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This is a long time story, and I've finally perfected it. This is based on the short quartet of episodes "Pokemon Origins"

LGBTQIA+ warning


"RED!!! NO!"

Blue plunged into the icy depths of Cerulean Cave's freezing lake and dove deep down, desperate to save his friend and rival. Charizard flew up past him, alone. Red was still down there.

Blue pushed deeper, struggling to see. He grabbed hold of Red and pulled, slipping an envelope into Red's pocket before pushing Red up, in the process sinking deeper.

He couldn't breathe, couldn't see. So Blue did what was natural. He sent out his Pokemon just as he took his last breath, and they swam to the surface. Blastoise, Blue's trusted partner, gently picked up Blue's limp body before swimming to the surface.

By this point, Red had defeated and caught Mewtwo. Red turned to where the lake was and gasped, rushing over to where Blastoise had laid Blue's body.

"Blue! No! Please! Oh, Blue! You were the hero! Why did you have to die, Blue?" He screamed.

A silvery light surrounded Blue as his body disappeared, leaving a spirit standing before him. "Hey, Red. Guess you always were better than me, in the end. Did you know Pokemon is short for pocket monsters? So I guess since the start, all the answers have been in our pockets. You should check yours. Red, our time together was purple, like that Mewtwo of yours."

Blue's spirit faded. Soon, his sad brown eyes reduced to nothing, the sparkle in them something Red wouldn't soon forget.

Red remembered what Blue had said and slipped a hand into his pocket. There was an envelope, somehow completely dry. There was a small Charmander sculpture and a letter inside. Red unfolded the letter. It said:


If you are reading this, I am most likely dead. And even if I'm not, I'll die of embarrassment after you read this. As I write this, I'm about to leave Pallet Town. Squirtle here is eager and ready.

We're ten. By the time you read this, I'll be at least 11.

Red stopped at this point and smiled. "We're 13 now. It's been three years."

As your rival, I hope to grow at the same speed as you. Become stronger alongside you. We always did have different perspectives, and I hope to learn from yours.

One day, one of us will be the champion, and I bet it will be you. Why? Because you have a spark in you. Something bright, a great potential. And if I am the champion before you, you'll beat me. You'll end up in the hall of fame.

My Gramps always believed in you the most, you know. It was you he wanted, you who he thought was better. If I'm ever champion, Professor Oak will wait for you to beat me to show up, just to tell me how bad of a trainer I am. Do you know why he hates me?

Well, he's homophobic. And I made the mistake of telling him I was gay. How did I know I was gay? I'm sorry, have you seen yourself? Heh, Squirtle, we can leave soon! I just have to finish this!

Red pictured the scene, wondering why Professor Oak was homophobic. It did explain a lot.

Red reread the paragraph. Did Blue just say that he had a crush on Red?

You're so dense, Red. I bet you're wondering if I just told you I loved you. Well, yes. I did. Because I do, so I hope that never changes. We are rivals, friends and enemies. We oppose each other. All I ever wanted, Red, was for you to see me for who I was; scared, broken, and lonely. You were my only friend.

And Red, as time goes on, please don't blame yourself. Everything, until the very end, was up to me. Unless you ever forced me to do something. You probably made me help somebody. Red, I don't want you to blame yourself for my death. I probably did something to save you, knowing me. I just hope I went out a hero and died surrounded by blue. I was born Blue, so I hope to die covered in it. The sea or the sky? I don't care. Just blue.

I hope you have filled out the Pokedex and discovered many more species. I hope you've travelled around the world. I hope you are the best trainer you can be and that every Pokemon you catch reminds you of me.

Hey, can I tell you something? I'm scared of ghosts, did you know that? But now I am one. A bit ironic, don't you think? I hope you learned that before I died.

But don't be sad. We will meet again. Smell you later.

You see, I wasn't supposed to be a hero. You are a hero. You are a champion.

I love you. Don't die before me,

Your friend and rival,

Blue Oak.

Red's eyes filled with tears. Blue had been his best friend, his cocky, arrogant rival, but his best friend. He pulled out the Charmander figurine and found an inscription.


Out of every single Pokemon,

I choose you. Do you choose me?~ Blue

Inside the envelope was a Squirtle sculpting kit.

Red opened it and got to work.

I choose you.

Love this one! It inspired a lot of subplots for me!

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