Wednesday : Isaac's route

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Author's Note: This isn't a part of the main story but take this as a side plot kinda like how Mae two separate routes for Bea and Gregg. Consider these more like detours, If you like seeing more of the route choices with the two selected characters, feel free to comment!


Samson would walk into the restaurant, formerly Marty's the place would become a Mountain Tops. Great food from mountain man themed restaurant. Seeing all the waitresses dressed scantily in a lumber jack themed uniform asking about Isaac, and pointed him to his table. Isaac would have an appetizer of chips, salsa , and queso. With his friend tossing back some beer. The raccoon would approach the skinny but lean cat and came to his table,  "Hey, you didn't drive here did you?" noticing him tossing back a couple pints of beer

"Of course not, I took one of those driver apps whatever it was called"

"You mean rather? rather have someone else drive" imitating the annoying jingle that the service had.

"Yeah that one, i really didn't think a lot of people that wanted to watch the game today since most of them are  out and about you know."

"I get that, guess Mark, Fred, and Louis were busy eh?"

"Mark's always effing busy, dudes got to make bank for that one year old he and Beth Calder had together. Supposedly he's also trying to make enough to get a ring too"


"Yeah, Louis didn't want to come due to work and Fred didn't want to come after what happened at the party"

"Yeah, I heard what happened" 

"I'm just effing tired of just being the butt of the joke in our friend group. Like shit, i get it i effed up with that one girl from Bright Harbor. You guys do not need to razz me about it every time."

"Well to be fair, we do razz on each other don't we?"

"No we don't, i don't recall the various times we razzed on Dex for fumbling the bag with Callie Anderson, or Felix for falling face first after getting that girls number, or you when you discover Vivian was cheating on you"

"Firstly, it's Callie Kiplin. Secondly, Why the eff would you make jokes about that specifically?"

"I'm just giving examples, I would never do that too you but that's the reason I made out with Callie. She sure as shit wasn't interested in him, it was glaringly obvious." he took a deep sigh before the waitress came by, she was dressed some what scantily clad but with a lumber jack themed outfit with the name tag of Emily "What can i get you sir?" asking Samson for his beverage order, 
"Can i get Diet Sipse?"

"Of course" before she could ask any more questions, Isaac would chime in

"We're gonna wait this out, because the game is gonna be on."

"Ok, well holler if you need anything!" her voice seemed quite flirtatious but friendly before she walked away to get Samson's drink.

"Are you sure you don't want a beer?" Samson shook his head, 

"nah, I'm not in the drinking mood" He would look around the restaurant, to see various dressed up for the smelters game.

"Suit yourself" Isaac says before another deep pause as he'd remember something "Oh shit, right. You had a thing right? I think Felix mentioned you having a date yesterday."

"Yeah, it went fine. We did get kicked out of that crappy café but honestly it was still fun despite the fact we are most definitely banned from there. However when we talked at the pizza place we really just had some sparks fly you know? I just really like her a lot."
The waitress would drop off Samson's drink before walking away from the table, he'd sip from his drink before Isaac spoke again

"Have you guys done anything yet?"

"Not really, trying to keep it slow for now but I guess if anything she did suggest for our next date that I come over to her place to draw her nude."

"How the eff did that happen?"

"I can't really remember, something that went from asking about each others hobbies. To asking if I draw NSFW Content. To suggesting I learn to draw nudes from her, but if this is just one metaphorical blinking contest than I think I'll win. By the way, weren't you with Callie or something?"

"it's complicated, see I wanted to get back at Dex because I knew he had a huge crush on her. To find out, she was trying to get one of her exes jealous. You know Theo Elston?"

"yeah, I used to be his lab partner in chemistry. I didn't know that and Callie ended up dating. Though he did mention he had an ex girlfriend when we talked though."

"Well, they used to date each other and then after I got into a fight with Dex we both got arrested, and when we got released the day after. I found out she was back with Theo, so not only was I used but also I was charged with a deadly weapon because I pulled out a knife so now I gotta pay off a fine. Count my blessings I guess. I take it you were shocked to see the party get shut down?"

"Yeah we were" he grabbed a chip and dips it in the queso before eating it, there was a loud crunching noise as Samson ate it

"Guess that's the girl you're dating currently?"

"Yep, her name is Mae" perking up a little while he asked him.

"You guys gonna be official or something?"

"I hope"

"Well that's great i guess, hope you don't forget the three of us when you go through your honeymoon phase."

"Oh don't worry I won't" After what happened with his previous relationship, Samson was pretty reluctant to introduce Mae to his friends.

Isaac looks up at the TV to see the Smelters game about to start Samson would remain silent to watch with his best friend. With thunderous loud noises when they score a goal, it would roughly be in the first quarter before the waitress came back to the table. Samson would order himself a meatball sub with French fries, while his Friend Isaac would order some BBQ wings. After she left the game would continue until half-time

"Hey man, i appreciate you coming to hang out with me. Maybe next time we hang out, we can go to a shooting range?"

"Maybe, I gotta see what's on the schedule since Mae might want to hang out." Isaac lets out a chuckle

"Hopefully when you introduce us to her she won't try to bang one of us"

"Dude, come on" being slightly annoyed from his response

"Shit, that was the line wasn't it? sorry" realizing that he was going too far with riffing on his friend

"It's fine" Samson would finish up the rest of the queso before the food would arrive. Finally, in the third quarter the waitress would deliver the food to the table. The two would start eating, whilst enjoying every single piece of food that was placed in front of them. Isaac would open his mouth again to talk, "have you uh... met her friends yet?"

"Well technically one of them, apparently she works at her friends shop and volunteers at her church. Her friend was also at the party"

"Ah, is she one of those religious types? and I'm assuming her friend was that somewhat tall goth girl with the Ankh?"

"Yeah that's her, and Not that I could tell, she seemed pretty chill." Blushing a little as she described her, "her eyes were like stars in the night sky, that scar on her ear is just so imperfect that it's somehow unique."

"Ok calm down, I'm not getting into a fight because you're gushing about weird shit about a girl."

"I guess she's just like spontaneous, always something to her I get to learn about. If that makes sense" still blushing a little before going back to eating.

"Yeah she sounds awesome, just curious will we ever meet her?"

"Maybe, I'm a bit iffy introducing you to her since-"

"What happened with Viv, I know, I know. Remember when we had to wrestle you down because you thought we all knew about the affair she and Alex were having behind your back."

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that whole..."

"Dude, it is ok. We've been through this apology shit already, you do not need to apologize for it again. Besides you all did us a solid by doing most of the lifting to get Felix's sister out of her apartment and into her fiancé's place." Before Samson could respond Isaac would look back up at the tv

"Yes, Yes, Run it back! Touch Down! Hell yeah! Wooooooooooo!" he'd exclaim as he'd watch the game. It'd be in the final seconds of the game as they kick the goal to finish the game. 
"Anyway, you don't need to apologize for this. Ok?"

Samson would listen to him and nod, "Ok." The waitress comes back with the bill, Isaac pulls out his card "On me today, you'll get the next one" He'd nod and as he waited for the bill to get paid so he could leave.

"If anything she's not really my type" Isaac would joke with his friend before he gets up. Samson would roll his eyes at his remark as he left. "You wanna lift? Felix is letting borrow the car again"
"Nah, I'll find a way back. Thanks though!"
Taking his answer as is, Samson would get into Felix's car that he was using for the week to drive back to his place and spent the rest of his off day watching movies and getting a head start on some of his classwork.

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