If you could wish..

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 "I am so sick of being sick." You groan out before blowing your nose into a tissue. "If this keeps up my nose is going to fall off." You throw the used tissue into your bedside trash can that was home to a million more just like it.

You've been sick for the past week and no matter what medicine you've taken nothing is helping you get better. At this point you'd do just about anything to be able to breathe out of both nostrils again.

You look over at your alarm clock through your glassy eyes and see the glowing red numbers. Crap, it's already midnight?

The familiar sound of your text tone fills the silent room. Who's messaging me this late at night? After unlocking your phone you see a text from an unknown number saying. "What do you wish for?"

After looking at it for a few moments you chose to ignore it thinking It's some type of scam. You lean over to plug your phone to its charger, causing the screen to light up. A smile forms on your lips seeing the familiar fictional man you simp for as your wallpaper, Trafalgar Law. A thought crosses your mind. If I could make a wish......

"I wish you were here Law, I bet you could help me get better in no time." You laugh at yourself as soon as the words left your dry lips. "I sound crazy, but i guess It was worth a shot. I should probably go to a real life doctor tomorrow." You turn onto your side and curl up next to a pillow before closing your eyes.


The unprompted noise causes your body to tense up. It almost sounded like someone or something fell. Slowly, you turn around on the bed and look into the pitch black area where the sound came from.


"What the...." Your racing heart stops in your chest hearing a man's voice followed by an irritated grunt.

"Who's there?!" You grab your phone off the bedside table and turn the flashlight on while getting into a defensive position. "No way." Your eyes nearly fall out of socket. In the middle of your room, clear as day, was a very realistic looking Law. I have to be hallucinating. You blink a few times, but he was still there, giving you a confused look. "LAW?!" Your legs give out thanks to the cocktail of shock and adrenaline , causing you to fall into the floor a few feet away from him.

"Where am I and who the hell are you?" He quickly stood up from the floor and held the handle of his sword like he was going to attack. "I'd answer quickly if I were you." His golden eyes were sharp and serious.

"No need for that!" You stick your hands up showing you have no weapon. "Trust me when I say I'm not stupid enough to fight you. Nor would I anyways." You can't help but smile like an idiot, completely enthralled at the fact he was in your room. "You're like my favorite character Law!" You cringe at yourself the second the words left your mouth. Be cool Y/N, be cool.

"Favorite character?" He removes his hand from the sword and surveys the unfamiliar room. "Care to explain what is going on?" You stand up from the floor and turn the bedside lamp on.

"Well if I'm being honest, I'm not so sure myself." With the room better illuminated, you get a good look at Law. He was wearing his signature post time skip hat, dotted jeans and a hoodie with his jolly Roger on it. I don't think I've seen that one before. "For starters, you are currently in a different world." You watch as Law's brows furrow in confusion. "What I'm about to tell you may be alot to take in, so you may want to sit down." You motion towards an empty spot on your bed. "My name is Y/N by the way, Y/N L/N."

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